Home Connect

I can only comment on the dishwasher unfortunately

In the Home Connect app, select your dishwasher, then go to Settings. First two options are Remote Start and then Remote Control Level where you need to select Permanent Remote Start.

It seems I don’t have that option on mine :frowning: donno why

Guys, i need to start on the Dishwasher ECO mode + Speed on Demand but i don’t have any sensor for Speed on Demand. Which sensor is that and how can i program this to get it in HA?

I have Siemens.

Someone any suggestion about the possibility?

If you don’t have a switch that represents it, them I guess you wont be able to control it.

Ok, only the the Eco mode without that option takes 3,50 hour. Is that really eco? Are you not using that option?

Hi @Himdola ,

Yes it takes longer time but it uses less electricity and water.

You can find the Water/Electricity usage for each program in the app. in the top right corner
the usage indication changes when you select another program

Perhaps you can use the Home connect API directly?
There is also a Node red nodes you can use to control Home connect appliances.

Can’t seem to find an answer anywhere, but is there a way to get a power consumption entity for the devices connected through Home Connect?

Would be cool indeed. The Home Connect App itself mentions connecting with Energy Managers. Would be great if HA could act as one.


How do we go about getting that info? I don’t see it in the API docs, so maybe that info isn’t available?

I’m not a coder, never worked directly with APIs so I wouldn’t know what a next step could be.

As far as I know it’s not exposed.
I have used every endpoint in the API on my washing machine.
Sadly the good stuff is missing.

Like how much left in the idos compartments, how many kg of clothes is it washing, energy and water.

I just got an email from Home Connect asking me to change to SingleKey - will this break Home Assisntant integration or is it safe?

Home Connect now works with SingleKey ID. This means you need to make a change to your login. But, don’t worry, it’s quick and easy.

SingleKey ID uses Single Sign-On authentication to enable the use of one login for many accounts . It is the most convenient way to quickly and safely access your Home Connect profile as well as many partner websites, apps and e-shops.

it is safe. Changed to SingleKey a few months ago and everything is still working in HA.

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Hi @DavidMStraub,
how do i add a sensor that tells me the speed of the hood fan?
Through “Cooking.Common.Option.Hood.VentingLevel” and “Cooking.Hood.EnumType.Stage.FanStage01” “Cooking.Hood.EnumType.Stage.FanStage02” “Cooking.Hood.EnumType.Stage.FanStage03” I can set the speed, but I can’t figure out how to get the status.
Do I need to create a sensor template that reads “BSH.Common.Status.OperationState”? If yes, how do I do?
Thank you!

Interesting! I´m trying also to control the fan speed, but without any luck. How you made it?

I used the unofficial integration available on HACS:
Home Connect Alt GitHub - ekutner/home-connect-hass: Alternative (and improved) Home Connect integration for Home Assistant


Hi Ghassan
do you mind sharing your dishwasher card setup? I have a siemens dishwasher and I need some inspiration… also I am struggling with getting the remaining time to work.

hope to hear back

Hi all, see this