Home Panel - A web frontend for controlling the home

Were you able to figure this one out?

Iā€™m having trouble accessing Home Panel outside of my hass.io add-on. Below are my logs; doesnā€™t seem to be any errors. I have re-logged in, restarted hass.io. Suggestions?

Iā€™m attempting to access panel @

Hass.io virtual machine

[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] 00-banner.sh: executing... 
 Hass.io Add-on: Home Panel
 A web frontend for controlling the home
 Add-on version: 1.4.6
 You are running the latest version of this add-on.
 System: HassOS 2.12  (amd64 / qemux86-64)
 Home Assistant version: 0.100.2
 Supervisor version: 192

Is it possible to show a live feed of my ring flood light? I noticed a github python ring project, though donā€™t know a) if that will work with my VM-based hassio, b) if I can get a live url feed from it.

Edit: If not live, how about the last image capture url?

Hey guys, is there a way to get a ā€œdirect URLā€ ?
I want to load the dashboard I did on HomePanel on my WallPanel Tablet.

The only URL I found is http://myha.url:8126/a0d7b954_home-panel but this load the ā€œFrameā€ of homeassistant.
As my goal is just to have the dashboard on my tablet I do not want this.



Change the port manually in the add-on

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Just started looking at this add-on and one thing i cant find out is how to know what to write in the icon field.
If i write switch or lightbulb i get the icon. ā€œGet from HAā€ does nothing. Is there a list of what icons are available ?

You have to use the labels vom materialdesignicons.com (without the mdi: in front)

Ok, thanks that helped :slight_smile:

Have a couple of questions as Iā€™m getting this set up.

Is it possible to access the config file to edit manually when using the Add-on in Hassio.
The /addons folder is empty and Iā€™v seem to have put some bad number in color so the picker is not working.

Created a new page, but where do I rename/delete the page ? Canā€™t find that in the UI.

*Does the Font size setting work for anyone? Looks like there are some early posts about it but canā€™t see if its been fixed.Ignore this, didnā€™t get that i had to type "px"

When connecting to homeassistant the first time is there no possibility to not use https? I publish externally with ssl via a proxy but it would be nice to just point it to the internal non https hassio.local:8123. If I remove the s inte https i get a red text saying i have to use ssl and the submit button is greyd out.

How did you rename the pages ? I just get Page as name and canā€™t see anyware to rename them ?

Long press on the page icon in configuration mode

Ah, thanks a lot.

Hi all, first request about Home Panel
installed the add-on, configured login, logged to HA, designed my dashboardā€¦ so far, so good.
Iā€™m accessing home panel via the MQTT alarm control panel app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thanksmister.iot.mqtt.alarmpanel&hl=en) from my fire 7".
After some hours I have to login to home panel (and itā€™s quite annoying since my tabled is on the wall and the on screen keyboard stays over the login fields) but the real issue is that I have to login again to HA.
Trying to do so, pushing on the button in the drawer, has no effect at all.
My fire has a fixed ipā€¦
Is there anything obvious Iā€™m missing? is there anything I can check to avoid this issue?

I have a sensor that calculates it entity picture dynamically depending on wind direction.
Is it possible to use a sensor value as url for and image card ? or as background so i can display wind speed as numeric and a compass behind to show direction would be even nicer.

answering to myself: newermind, it seems something related to the app.
sorry for the noise

I have the same issue with the last available add-on release on a 7" 2015 5th gen. Amazon Fire; did you find a way to solve it?

I donā€™t have persistent scrollbars in 2.4.9 using the config below, though they do show up when I interact with the system and the bottom (page?) bar pops up.

Thank you, will try later

Just started using Home Panel, really like this interface. Iā€™m having an issue when the page is idle, the bottom drawer goes away and if I try to select an entity to turn it on or off, I have to tap anywhere on the screen first (which makes the bottom drawer display) and then I can select the entities. Is this expected behavior?

how can i change the language ? HomePanel is showing the values of my entityā€™s in english in stead of the preferred dutch language.