Home Panel - A web frontend for controlling the home

I can’t figure out how to the panel size change. Is there a way to change panel size?

Hey guys, I’ve hassio on raspi4 4g with Hassos, I’ve installed the add-on home panel 1.7.2 (only available release) I have done configuration, in SSL false and port 8234. I’ve several problems: for displaying the thermostat with all data (set point, current temp on off) I’ve to make it over 8 width, action plays only if I open the home panel inside homeassistant, by the address with dedicated port I can view and config everything but not action is possible (switch the light thermostat and so on) at the end graphic are not displayed every where in hassio or by the direct portal, I tried to enlarge in any direction the card but nothing. Does anyone have a answer for me? Thanks you in advance to everyone

Sorry I’ve solved for control, I need to log out and login again to have control on new card, about thermostat when change the dimension and then I reset the base dimension 1 width 1 hight all the command came back again. Only problem now seems on graphic, no chance to get graphic but only current value

Check out https://timmo.dev/home-panel/faq/

Thanks I will try

Is anyone else having a problem where you make a change (almost any change) to the date or time settings and both just disappear? I can’t get them back. I removed and reinstalled the addon and the date/time came back, made one change (don’t show date) and they both disappeared again.

I did notice that my time and date has dissapeared, not sure how to get it back, would love to know!

Ok after a double restart and logoff and your suggestions every is ok. Now I can start to make my panel. Thanks

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Me too. No date and time after changing size of font, more over also the color stays on base pink, and no chance to change any more

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Other question on hassio add on: the vacuum is impossible to control by home panel? I’ve tried to insert it but I can take only description with no action and no possibility to add the icon. Same behaviour for input_number. I’ve to wait ver 2.x? Thanks for all

Same here…can’t add the date or time, auto hide toolbar and dense tool bar settings are off and can’t be switched on and colors stay on pink

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Maybe this is off topic but I have just setup Home Panel and everything is working. I have lights and automations added. When I click on a light the Icon changes colors to let me know the lights is on, but when I click on an automation there is no change so I have no idea if it is active or not. What is the best way to tell if an automation is is enabled or not. Change icon color, or tile background color?

I would like to know this also.

How to fix it?

[13:01:27] ERROR: Got unexpected response from the API: Service home_panel not found for dictionary value @ data[‘service’]. Got ‘home_panel’

Add-on version: 1.7.2
You are running the latest version of this add-on.
System: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (i386 / qemux86)
Home Assistant Core: 0.110.4
Home Assistant Supervisor: 225

New to Home Panel.

How do I get an RSS Feed to work


It just shows up as Red :slight_smile:


bugger, those links are dead

Does anyone else have issues with the charts not showing? I’ve been doing a bunch of digging, and found some info about adding in the section for CORS. However its still not working. Not sure where in the logs I can find any info about it either. Not sure if Im doing something wrong, or what. Any direction on what to look at next would be great.

Here is the chart im trying to add as a test, since I can only put a single image.

I install home panel in docker, arm64v8-edge tag, but found some error as below when start, could someone help identify what is issue happen and how to solve? Thanks a lot.

   throw firstError;
Error: Qualified path resolution failed - none of the candidates can be found on the disk.
Source path: /opt/panel/backend/lib
Rejected candidate: /opt/panel/backend/lib
Rejected candidate: /opt/panel/backend/lib.js
Rejected candidate: /opt/panel/backend/lib.json
Rejected candidate: /opt/panel/backend/lib.node
    at internalTools_makeError (/opt/panel/.pnp.js:30166:34)
    at resolveUnqualified (/opt/panel/.pnp.js:31158:13)
    at resolveRequest (/opt/panel/.pnp.js:31182:14)
    at Object.resolveRequest (/opt/panel/.pnp.js:31242:26)
    at Function.external_module_.Module._resolveFilename (/opt/panel/.pnp.js:30396:34)
    at Function.external_module_.Module._load (/opt/panel/.pnp.js:30262:51)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:71:12)
    at internal/main/run_main_module.js:17:47

There is an open issue for this. Please use the latest tag