Home Panel - A web frontend for controlling the home

Home panel loaded via HASS.IO which loads it as a docker container and hav ing an issue where some of the items in the configuration settings are not working.

Cannot change light or dark base, primary or secondary colors, background, or paper color…

Anyone else having this issue?

Looking under Supervisor in HASS.IO, it shows I am running 1.7.0.

hassio 107.5 on ubuntu 18.04
I have a funny issue. I have installed front end. Then when I go to the screen where you try to login to homeassistant I don’t get enough time to enter the correct URL. The default is http:…homeassistant.local etc
mine is the ip address:8123
when I try and rename I only get about two seconds and then it automatically kicks me out. I thought it might have been a chrome issue and used edge - the same thing

what’s happening here

Hi, just started with homepanel and tested a few lights.
But i’ve added a light to the panel and to turn it on and off i have to keep pushing on the symbol and it opens a second screen to adjust brightness.
Is it possible to change it to a on/off switch? So when i push the symbol it turns on and off?

Many thanks

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I have the same issue. I saw in some youtube video that people were pushing the light button and it turned on/off. In my case I have to adjust the brightness to turn it on/off. I also have a switch, which essentially does not work at all in home panel. What am I doing wrong?

I thought I would capture the screen so you can see what is happening. Is there a way to get into the install files and manually edit the address it’s looking for? I can’t upload the video but here are two snaps taken less than two seconds apart.

@hemy it is fixed. timmo01 fixed the bug and published the new version.

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Thanks, great!

I’m wondering.
Github shows a homepanel version 2.7.4
Hassio addons still shows 1.7.1
If I’m running Hassio can I install the latest version from github? Still trying to get my head around hassio v home assitant v ingress etc

I installed the latest version in Hassio indeed 1.7.1 instead of 2.7.4
But I can’t use it, it says “Home Assistant not connected” when I check the log I see this error:
ERROR: Got unexpected response from the API: Service home_panel not found for dictionary value @ data[‘service’]. Got ‘home_panel’

I reinstalled Hassio from scratch (even deleted the config) but the problem didn’t go away.

I get also this warning
Add-on version: 1.7.1
There is an update available for this add-on!
Latest add-on version: null
Please consider upgrading as soon as possible.
So there is something broken.
Unfortunately I’m new to Home Assistant and error messages are really confusing in Home Assistant, so I’m not sure where to look.

I’m wondering if we need to install via command line?

I manage to fix the not connected, the login was not correct.
No I installed thru the add-on store

When you say the login is not correct. Do we have to use the hassio admin login?

Or we need to first create a user in hassio configuration?

The latest update to hassio has solved the issue. Now to configure the panel - the next learning curve

Hi @timmo001, thank you for your great Home Panel software :+1:

I was having some difficulties today getting Home Panel to authenticate with Home Assistant. After some time I finally figured out that my uBlock extension was getting in the way and making me getting IP banned on Home Assistant every time.

I would recommend to put as a tip in the documentation to disable any ad blocker when using Home Panel :slight_smile:

It looks like you managed to hide the ingress top bar. If that’s so, how did you do it?

Well that didn’t last. As soon as I did the next update I am back to the same error where homepanel is trying to find a homeassistant.local address.
Is there any way I can set this as a constant in my config so that any requests to the .local address are directed to the actual static internal IP of my hassio instance?

Can it also be casted to a Google home hub?
Can’t find the options…

Will the Hassio repo be updated to v2.8.0 soon? Hoping to get the bug fix for the missing units. :slight_smile:

Thanks @timmo001 :+1:. Got the update and units now showing on the front end !