Homeassistant with homeseer


I do have a question about the combination HA/homeseer.

I changed from homeseer to homeassistant partly. A few devices are stil running on homeseer with their own zwave-stick. That’s mainly because these devices are hard to reach (for bringing them to homeassistant I need to reset those and add them in HA by pushing a physical button).
And some homeseer events with those devices work for me easier as in homeassistant automations
With the homeseer intgration (GitHub - marthoc/homeseer: HomeSeer Custom Integration for Home Assistant) I can pefectly combine both systems.
But… that intgration is " out of date and not maintained" and in the log of homeassistant it says some - in my opinion - alarming about this for release 2025-1:

Entity None (<class 'custom_components.homeseer.light.HomeSeerLight'>) is using deprecated supported features values which will be removed in HA Core 2025.1. Instead it should use <LightEntityFeature: 1> and color modes, please create a bug report at https://github.com/marthoc/homeseer/issues and reference https://developers.home-assistant.io/blog/2023/12/28/support-feature-magic-numbers-deprecation

My question now is:
Is there an other way to integrate the devices that are active in homeseer into homeassistant?

Speaking from personal experience, it’s possible to simply have Home Assistsnt (zwave JS specifically) connect to your HomeSeer ZWave interface. As a former HomeSeer user myself, this is what I did for a couple of years before my ZNet started to fail (and I also realized just how ancient the HomeSeer Zwave hardware was…). Are you using a Z-Net interface?

No, I am using a aeotec z-stick 5 for the homeseer and a z-stick 7 for HA.

The same process applies, it’s just easier with the Z-Net since you don’t have to physically move anything.

Check out this post for some insight. Obviously yours will be serial instead of TCP. The important bit is obtaining the keys from HS and configuring them in ZWaveJS. You can run an instance for your existing 7 stick and run a second one for the 5 stick


I made it work with mqtt. Let homeseer send a mqtt message, what is detected bij HA. And reverse: send a json message what is detected bij homeseer.

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I created a HomeSeer plugin for bi-directional communication between HS and HA

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