'HomeAssistantCore.update' blocked from execution, system is not healthy

Beware of the HA Police!
Anyway, where did he find that?

If that’s to be believed, it’s just the image’s name that’s being checked. I guess we’ll have to check with the HA PD :rofl:

should be here

There are 180k known active installations of HA according to analytics. That obviously doesn’t include the number of installations that have analytics turned off. Even if every currently active user on this forum was opposed that wouldn’t represent a majority of users, let alone this thread

This is a fair complaint. Unsupported and unhealthy is far too hidden currently. It’s being worked on.


Ok, so what would it take for the developers to even remotely think about it and/or discuss other options (switches, red flags etc.)? 180k posts in this thread?


We need to estimate what the number of users here represent in the “general population” of 180K.
Most users won’t make their voices heard in this topic.
Around 40 users and +10K views, what does that equal?
@CentralCommand, are there eny key numbers you use to estimate what the numbers in a forum post equal in the larger user base (180K)?

Another thought, when a discussion like this get’s as passionate as this one it tends to bring in prestige from all parties, making decisions that are objective harder since it brings with it a need to give the other party right, surrendering and an give an implied “I was wrong, you were right”
I really hope we can avoid letting prestige being a factor in this issue.


I’m almost certain that only the image name is being checked, but, anyway, I’ve changed both container and image name. I went for the following and it worked (thanks):

docker stop portainer
docker rm portainer
docker pull portainer/portainer-ce:latest
docker tag portainer/portainer-ce:latest p0rtainer

docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --name=p0rtainer --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data p0rtainer

docker rmi portainer/portainer-ce

Now I have a “healthy” HA under System-Settings-Repairs-Software-Utilities-Programs-Supervised-3 dots-Tab-Exclamation mark-System health :rofl: :rofl:

When you update Portainer, you will just have to remember to replace “portainer” in the 2 first commands with “p0rtainer”.
Also, according to this: docker tag | Docker Documentation , docker tag portainer/portainer-ce:latest p0rtainer could just be docker tag portainer-ce p0rtainer but to be honest I didn’t try it.

Let’s see what else we will have to keep in mind every time, until our supervised installs become completely obsolete and/or “prohibited”. And let’s just hope that the developers will not patch all proposed solutions, in order to make our lives more difficult.


I’m prepared - my memory is not always as good as I want it to be, so I have a “oneliner” in my Joplin notebook, to copy-paste and update my stealth portainer ;D

I use black theme on my dashboard, seems like I am already on the darkside of HomeAssistant, feel free to join me in the underground haha

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I too had this issue with Portainer - whatever check has been put in place is going to REALLY IRRITATE the user base. Portainer is commonly used, especially with Novice users. Whichever way this happened, undo it. Just another massive HA irritation and waste of human cycles this is.


reboot was my previous for past 1 years solution until now october 2022. reboot multiple times and still can’t install update :frowning:


@willer Host restart helps for me.

You can find it here in the Android app:
3 dots
Host restart (take a while).

Sorry for my language, English is not my language.

How did you do this?

+1 for NOT restricting updates based on existence of Portainer. I promise not to request support for my “unhealthy” install :slight_smile:

And thanks all, for the tips on fix. Stop portainer, restart hassio_supervisor, update HA, start portainer— that worked!

Some thoughts on this subject, if it matters. I went for the docker supervisor install so that I could use my RPi to play with other things apart from HA, with the clear understanding that it was unsupported. Not knowing which way my home automation adventure was going to take me (or even if I like HA at all, which I do!), this seemed like the most sensible, flexible way to go — and no regrets. And adding Portainer to the mix outside of HA felt like a smart additional system check that would allow me to better “support” myself. Just my two cents, but I think Portainer should be encouraged for otherwise unsupported installs. I still feel like this is the best way to install/run HA, and what I would recommend to others.


+1 on NOT restricting either.

Has been wondering for many weeks why I was unable to update. Thought today that I would sit down and figure out why, since I would like to go to 2022.11. Previously a host restart could solve the issue, but now after 10 restart I still haven´t been able to update.

Will try to rename the Portainer container, and see if that works. Thank you for the information :slight_smile:

Solution for me was also to use kill the Portainer container, restart HA/Supervisor and now it is updating without issues.

Cool solution. Thank you for posting.

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If blocked by ‘unhealthy’ docker then this method worked for me… ref:

(don’t need to completely remove portainer, just stop it temporarily).

sudo docker stop portainer
sudo docker restart hassio_supervisor
ha core update
sudo docker start portainer

Or ignore all health conditions (not recommended I guess):

 ha jobs options --ignore-conditions healthy

or rename the protainer image and the container
after that supervisor is also happy again

All new level. I just did some updates to HA and afterword’s said I had 7 updates. They aren’t updates but warnings.


I had those too - only systemd journal was needed to be fixed. others dissapeared after a restart, so try it :slight_smile:

and to be honest - I prefer those informations [with links how to deal with issues] than silently stopping updates as before. and if those annoy you - there’s an option to ignore them too :slight_smile:


i still having an issue, but my system is healty.
on 3 different servers i can’t update the supervisor anymore or other add-ons, it keeps loading for ages, and i cant make back-ups.

sudo docker stop portainer
sudo docker restart hassio_supervisor
ha core update
sudo docker start portainer

this above did not help a thing.