HomeHabit Dashboard - Original thread

Gotcha. So it’s only supported on “regular” Android tablets on launch? I may still need to use something else until Fire is supported then, although I do have an existing Galaxy Tab I could play with it on.

are you doing a beta testing thing or are you since past that?

Yes. There were no request for Fire support before so this is not something that has been considered.
From technical perspective since Amazon devices don’t have Google Play Store and related services, it is not possible to just run the app as is from Amazon App Store.
In addition, early access versions will be distributed through Play Store early access service, so there is that as well.

early access versions will be available soon


Did some of the personal setup with HASS over the weekend. I’m using OpenHAB as my main system so far, but still could connect most of the non-zwave things to HASS as well.
Below is the in-progress screen with both platforms integrated with the new UI (lights - OH, everything else - HASS):


Ugh such a tease!!! cant wait for the release. keep up the work


Is this the new HAdashboard coming out or the openhab dashboard? I just started setting up a dashboard for HA (i have never used OH) and have been cruising these boards for an example config file to go off of but haven’t had any luck yet :confused:

If anyone can point me towards a config file for hadashboard it would be appreciated. I believe it is a yaml file like ha?

This thread is not for HADashbaord, it is for a different product. There are installation and configuration docs for HADashboard here

Dang, that dashboard looks great. Appreciate the quick response and link!

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Early Access

I would like to thank everyone for patiently waiting for Project Rotini release.

In previous months the application has been redesigned and rewritten from scratch. It has improved user experience and support for Home Assistant and other hubs on the market.
Now, Project Rotini finds itself all brand new “under the hood” and ready to roar. However, on outside it might still temporarily lack some features and occasionally be rough around the edges. My hope is to gather early feedback about the new design and its usability.

It is my pleasure to announce that early access version of the app is ready. If you would like to try it out, please sign up for the new community at https://community.projectrotini.com (sign up approvals will be staggered over a short period of time).

Again, thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy the app.


Awesome. Just signed up. I’ve used your app with openhab but since switched to HASS so i’ve kind of been missing it. Can’t wait ti give it a try.

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Is this still Android only?

Yes, at the moment. Android main release is the priority, with iOS version coming after that.

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Community is now open for viewing without sign-up.
Sign-up is still required to use the early access app version.

Why can share apk?? it will be very helpful for testing on my devices. thanks.

Since this is a paid app, Play Store is the only way it can be distributed.

Happy to announce that Preview 18 release for the new version now has phone support!


Project Rotini is in Public Beta

The application has reached the public beta milestone. Now anyone can install the app through the Play Store without needing to register in the community first.
Beta 1 version is going to be available in the Play Store shortly. This version is feature-equivalent to recently released Preview 25 version.

Starter Mode for new users and your guests

Starter Mode is a new default mode for the application, which doesn’t require a license. You will find all the same features with a few limits such as number of dashboard screens or platforms available.
Starter Mode will help new users that just starting their journey in home automation - you can use the app without the need to buy a license. In the future, it will also expand into guest friendly platform that allows your visitors to control your home.

Trial license usage

In Beta 1 version, after you reached a starter limit, you will be able to get a free trial license for that device to fully utilize the application. In the near future, after an official announcement, free trial users would need to purchase a regular license to continue to use the full version of the app.

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New site for text-based configuration docs is available now at https://docs.projectrotini.com.

It has improvements over previously available docs, including list of supported icons and units.
Even more improvements are coming later.


Can you tell me what will be the retail price for this app