HomeHabit Dashboard - Original thread

It will be a per-device, but the exact price is not finalized yet and will be announced with the public release soon.
Stay tuned.

Is anyone able to comment on the security of this app on Android? If I give it my HASS API password, is it going to be encrypting the password so it can’t be intercepted by a malicious party?

Also, I’m getting an SSL error if I try to connect using the local IP. I have set up remote access with duckdns and ssl, so that’s the expected behavior if I use the duckdns url, but I can use the local IP in the browser if the internet is down… shouldn’t I be able to do the same from this app?

Passwords are currently not encrypted when stored locally. However, app local storage is not accessible by other apps. Encryption will be added in the future.

That’s most likely because certificate has duckdns host in it, so when used with local IP - host doesn’t match.
There is no solution to this problem yet, but this is something we are aware of.

Happy to announce that Project Rotini is now HomeHabit!
Huge thank you to everyone who tried Project Rotini preview releases.

What’s New

First HomeHabit release is mostly the same as the last Project Rotini release, but it does contain several critical fixes. More features and fixes are coming out in the next few weeks.


The new version of Project Rotini that is rolling out now will have a link to upgrade to HomeHabit release through the Play Store.
Please migrate to the HomeHabit app at your earliest convenience. The app has the same functionality and will migrate all data over from Project Rotini on first launch (as long as both apps are installed on the same device).

Over the next few days, websites will migrate to the new domain as well.

We tried to make migration process as smooth as possible. In a chance that something goes wrong during migration, please uninstall HomeHabit app to use Project Rotini again. Do not uninstall or clear data on Project Rotini app until you are sure that HomeHabit app functions correctly.

Breaking change

HomeHabit release supports new Home Assistant authentication system, but it does not support old API password login. If you are not using new authentication system or using custom authentication mechanism, do not migrate at this time. Please contact support.

What is the price? I have mostly landed on HADashboard + Fully Kiosk Browser (mostly since I can change pages from automations, if this is possible with HomeHabit, let me know :slight_smile:), but will of course consider HomeHabit when the price is known.


I get this very often:

It is the tabet that is running your application. Then I need to close it and open it again.

Have you seen this before?


Exact pricing will be announced soon.

Changing pages from automations is a planned feature.

Will check on that.

Same here, anyway thanks for the nice app!

@chamtl/@lite1993 Please try the latest version (Beta 6.5) that should have a fix for this.

It’s working now. Thanks


I have installed beta 8.1 Now I have connection issues to HA? Any fixes?



@chamtl What HA version are you using?
This is the first report on any connection issues in the latest release, so any additional would be helpful.

Hassio, ha version 81.6

Changing pages from automations is a planned feature.

Any news on this feature?


@chamtl Are you experiencing constant disconnects or just occasionally? It seems to be generally working with that HA version, so I’m not sure what could be the reason.
What was the app version you had before Beta 8.1?

It is in development now, can’t say anything more certain at this point.

New thread created for updates: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

Is there a way to show https:// urls instead of http:// url?

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@czadikem can you give a bit more context to your question, I’m not really sure what’s this about