HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates

This is a thread for HomeHabit Dashboard app release updates. Original thread can be found here.

Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.homehabit.view
Community: https://community.projectrotini.com


Beta 11: Thermostat and more

This is a large release with a lot of features requested by the community. Enjoy!

Dashboard swipe

One of the most requested features is finally here!
With swipe available now, edit dashboard trigger is moved to a gear icon in the page bar corner.

Thermostat widget

Brand new thermostat widget with new UI design and improved integrations.

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There is a large variety of thermostats available on the market, so there is possibility that some models don’t work fully. Please report these issues, so we can quickly address it.

Gauge widget

Several additions to Gauge widget:

  • thresholds
  • customizable range configuration
  • linear style
  • label is now optional


Weather widget

Widget has new layouts available that are more flexible and allow for missing elements, such as no condition icon. Also widget now supports freeform condition text when condition id is not available.

More widget changes

  • MJPEG stream and snapshot support for Camera and Room widgets
  • Customizable icon in Sensor widget
  • Additional themes added for Map widget
  • Ability to request desktop site in Web widget
  • Support for trigger mode in Shutter widget to allow support of trigger-based garage door setup
  • Thermostat humidity attribute should be bindable to Gauge widget

Home Assistant integration

  • New: Proximity component integration
  • New: Better camera component integration
  • Fix: Cover components without position not working as a shutter
  • Fix: Toggle play/pause state on media state is fixed
  • Fix: Weather condition from YR component in Home Assistant breaks when state is set to a text value
  • Fix: Weather summary from Dark Sky Sensor component in Home Assistant doesn’t show condition icon

Other improvements

  • Ability to search in Icon, Item, and Application pickers
  • Support for modern SSL protocols and ciphers on Android 4.4

Beta 12: Remote connection

Remote connection

In this release, it is possible to provide remote configuration to connect to platforms when on a non-local network. Remote connection supports Home Assistant Remote UI.


Local network

Local network is determined by Wifi network name and recorded during platform setup process when connection test is performed. If local network name would change, please go through platform setup process again to update the network name.


Just installed and just missing

  • GPS tracker integration
  • alarmpanel integration
  • long-press function to call info/ additional options for e.g. lights (colo-picker - light effects etc.)

@thundergreen Thanks for checking out the app!


In development

Something is planned, but don’t know how it will work yet

Beta 13: Weather forecast

Weather forecast

Weather widget has new forecast mode that allows to add multiple periods of weather forecast.
Currently only daily periods are supported.


Only data from weather sensors is bindable to weather forecast properties. Weather components will be supported soon.

Thanks for the fast feedback . Input Boolean would also be nice like for radio station … Vacuum cleaner etc . Just ideas :wink: anyway…goooooood work mate!

input boolean is already bindable to a switch widget, although I’m not exactly sure how do use it for radio station.

If I would have used the right term I would have said: input_selcect. Sorry. Input_boolean works well so far. I am actually pushing your app on different platforms like home assistant and also Xaiomi Vacuum platform. Yould you need some help to develope this app? I could ask if you agree.

I also would have another idea: Having backdrops for each dashboard would rock the house! like this you can create rooms and it’s backdrops. I know you can create a room widget but some button types won’t work inside this


If I use the color light widget… it would be awesome being able to swipe those colors as i am limited in the size on aa phone and dont wanna use the half of the screen for the light “panels”

EDIT: just found another issue. Dunnno why but after a while the thermostat won’t show operation mode. After switching it OFF in hass webinterface it shows up right again… if not it shows a set temperature without any mode. will provide a pic once it appears again.

Beta 14: Tasker integration

Tasker integration

Tasker action integration is available. Some other apps that use the same plugin api also supported, such as Automate.
Integration allows you to add an task action to assign certain state to an item inside HomeHabit. Currently only switch-like devices are supported, it will be extended to more types later.

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Room widget improvements

Room widget has a new layout when photo/camera is not setup. All configured elements are shown in a grid.


Device groups

Ability to group multiple devices in Switch, Light and Sensor widgets. Widget will show how many devices are activated.


Other changes

  • Dimmer position and light color will be set at minimum value when device is off
  • Light dimmers and optionally regular dimmers are now shown as activated only when above minimum value, which is consistent with switch behavior.
  • New pressure units: hPa, kPa, cbar

Bug fixes

  • Import/Export file picker is not working on some Samsung devices
  • Humidity sensors and thermostat humidity should be bindable to Room widget elements with humidity type
  • Widget editor layout is not sized correctly on some screens
  • Weather widget forecast layout breaks when adding new forecast periods
  • Occasional widget error when its resized

Home Assistant integration

  • Fix: Some humidity sensor devices are incorrectly treated as generic numeric sensors

Beta 15: New icons, lots

Over 5,000 new icons added with extra icon packs. This took a bit of work, but now icon packs are added in a generic way, so it would be possible to easily update or add new packs in the future.

Following optional icon packs are available in this version (configurable in Settings):

Directions for text-based configuration are available in the docs.


Bug fixes

  • Light items do not show correct state and impossible to turn on/off when bound to Room widget element
  • Gauge widget decimal text size is incorrect on some devices
  • Allowing any file type for import/export picker to avoid issues without un-selectable file on some devices

Beta 16: Security widget

Security widget

The new widget supports alarm panels from Home Assistant.

If needed, it also allows custom setup with separate alarm state switch and alarm code. Entered PIN code will be send at the same time with alarm state command.

Scene widget improvements

Scene widget now supports selectors with predefined list of options (input_select). Icon and label customization is still possible in widget editor.

Dimmer step

Dimmer and Light dimmer widgets have new property to configure minimum change step.

Bug fixes

  • Thermostat current temperature is disappearing in some cases

Beta 17: Improved widget editor, remote config editor, and more

Improved Widget Editor

The improvements are done to speed up a process of creating new widgets. There are now two ways to go through widget editor: select item or select widget type.
By selecting item first, the app would be able to suggest all widgets that can be bound to that item and pre-populate some widget properties. That works great with simple devices like a switch, which will even pre-populate widget label from a selected device name. Some of more complex widgets like weather or room widgets don’t have pre-population working fully yet. That will be improved at later time.


Several improvements added for item binding flow.
First, it is possible now to bind specific item attributes to widgets. For example, if a device has both humidity and temperature attributes, it is possible to bind either of those to a gauge widget.
Additionally, items can be unbound when editing a widget without a new to create a new widget.

Remote Config Editor

The config editor provides ability to edit configuration in JSON editor directly from a browser by connecting to HomeHabit running on Android device over a local connection (the application must be open for editor to work). Config editor is disabled by default and can be enabled in Settings (experimental section at the end).

There are numerous benefits over existing text-based configuration. Platforms and dashboards created in the new editor will still be editable through UI, so you would be able to create dashboard in UI, play around a bit and then simply continue editing from a browser, if desired. Also, since configuration is stored on device, it would be easy to have separate dashboards for each device.

Config editor JSON is similar to current text-based configuration, but it has some differences and additional data. Documentation will be added at later time.

WARNING: This is an early experimental version, so please be cautious when editing configuration on your main devices.


Widget improvements

  • Configurable snapshot interval for Camera widget (as low as 1 second interval)
  • Labels are now optional in all state-like widgets (e.g. switch, lock, sensor, etc.)

Other improvements

  • Improved search in item picker that allows multi-word search, as well as search specific item attributes
  • Support for pressure sensor items
  • Better support for energy and gas meters items
  • Added air quality items
  • Possibility to skip connection test when editing a platform when connection has been verified previously
  • Font Awesome 5.9.0

Bug fixes

  • Import config is failing when trying to update disabled platforms
  • Rejecting cancellation in Widget Editor through tapping on outside of dialog makes it impossible to close the editor afterwards
  • Disappearing value text in Gauge widget
  • Error when trying to delete a platform that was never enabled before
  • Widgets that have been configured with reversed state should not be shown as activated when state is unknown
  • Crash after enabling home app configuration and switching to the home app
  • Crash when unable to get permissions from Android for selected backdrop image
  • Platform reconnect notification is shown even when a platform has been disabled

Home Assistant integration

  • OpenSenseMap integration
  • Support for vacuum components
1 Like

Could you make your application update all items because when I change the light switch position manually homeassistant sees the change but homehabit does not see it.

  • Thanks

How would vacuum integration work and where do I find the new map thing. BTW. I never get map showing up with my device tracker …looks like this

@czadikem the application does update all items and should see whatever changes Home Assistant has, so there might be a bug or something. Can you provide more details on HA component that you doesn’t work? Also, do all other components receive updates normally at the same time?

@thundergreen responded in HomeHabit community on this.
For the map, it seems like some devices has problems with Maps SDK recently, we are still trying to figure out why it is happening. Will update.

So I did some more testing and the Switch component does update but sometimes It seems to take 5 to 10 minutes or more and other times it takes a minute so I would like the application to update the switch value more often like say ever 10 to 30 seconds.

@czadikem just to clarify, by design the application is connected to the server at all time and updates should come in real time. There are no explicit delay from getting data from Home Assistant. If the app is disconnected from the server, there should be a notification at the bottom of the screen, and it should be shown in Platforms screen as well.

Can you provide more details on what specific HA component are you using with the switch?
Also, do any other widgets, except the switch, have the same issue or it is specific to only some components?

So It is not updating in real time most of the time. The component I am using is a switch. Also I cannot test all the components but the clock and weather widgets seem to work fine.