Homekit controller integration Heatmiser lost ip address?


I have been using a Heatmiser hub with the thermostats using the HomeKit integration and everything has worked fine.

My Heatmiser hub has a fixed ip address.

Then last night the HomeKit integration has failed.

The log entry below suggests it’s trying to use a different ip address? Any idea why or can I fix the ip address in the config file somehow?

2022-10-08 06:37:58.685 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry ‘Heatmiser neoHub’ for homekit_controller integration not ready yet: Timeout while waiting for connection to device; Retrying in background

I am still getting this problem, I have checked the core.config_entries file and it has the correct fixed ip address for this ?

Does anyone know why it’s trying to use a 169 ip address ?

I have the same problem with Satechi Dual Smart Plugs. When rebooting my network, the (3) plugs disconnect and I get following warning. They still show up in my router as connected to wifi with their original assigned IP address, so not sure why homekit is trying to connect to a 169.x IP?

“WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry ‘Satechi-DOE-B5A68A’ for homekit_controller integration not ready yet: Timeout while waiting for connection to device; Retrying in background”

When I connect them in the Apple Home app, they do survive network reboots, so its likely related to the homkit integration.

please advise if more logs/detail is needed

This is happening with my WeMo smart plugs. I’ve reset and re-paired them three times in the last few weeks. Exactly the same issue and error message, it’s looking for them on a private 169.x.x.x address, though they have DHCP reservations and have never changed.

I can also continue to control them just fine from the WeMo app.

If I device is usually given an IP address by DHCP, and then it does not get one, it will take on the 169 IP address. I’m fairly sure…