Homekit Infused 5 (HKI) v2023.1.3

I answered you already on Slack.

Don’t forget to copy my modified js files for both the thermostat and light popup cards (remove the .gz files)

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I am interested if you don’t mind sending it to me also. I have been building a single template for myself also and am curious how you went about some of it.

I didn’t have any issues on my phone, and I love it, it’s really, really, really great work, my wife likes it as well. Kudos to you! :+1:I only have an issue with the light popup, it is only showing half of it, however I barely use this feature, that’s why I didn’t bother to fix it.
I already heavily tweaked it and now your releasing so many improvements, bye bye weekend :rofl:

The improvements are very good, no heating, very very fast and less battery drain.

The light popup, please read my comment in the previous post!

Hmmm strange, I copied your modified js files to my setup. Need to check once I upgrade to the Beta version.

Delete the .gz file and then restart HA.

It should work! There must be only one single file called light-popup.js

I’m glad you like it, and glad that your wife likes it too. I actually made this in such a way that my own wife would understand how to use it without me needing to explain how the setup works.

You are going to love the speed improvements over the alpha version!

Hi Jim. It took me some time to understand how it is working but I have to say it is much more easier to understand and less work for maintenance compare to the other versions. I like the split you have done.
Also I have to learn to read the doc until the end and stop guessing:)
The work you have done is amazing and the result on a phone is beautiful. My wife is not so happy as I will need to spend some time to setup all my stuff :slight_smile: Thank you again.

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Well that is great to hear. I actually have tried to be as thorough and detailed as possible in the documentation. I will have one more big change coming up and some fixes for climate devices (some extra hvac state colors and also an extra template for climate devices that do not have the hvac_state attribute).

I know these updates are quite annoying but hey it is an alpha/beta.

Anyways I am glad it works for you, if you follow the instructions (I know it is a lot) you can use this without a problem and setting it up is pretty easy. It is the install that is quite the undertaking, mainly preparation (but the good thing is that those preparations are not only beneficial for my config, so if people decide to use a different frontend in the future they will still benefit from it).

I will hear if you find any more troubles on the way. I will be pushing out a second beta later, if this beta goed well (the current still has some issues I need to address), I will remove the beta tag and from then on the setup will be easily updateable, which is a bit harder atm.

You have used my previous versions? Well that is cool, I actually hope you like this version more than previous ones (not only designwise, but also overall, speed and all that stuff).

Well your wife will love it when it works haha.

@jncanches about the template, yes I actually have considered creating a single template like my older versions had it. But the thing is, like you mention, some buttons would require a lot more parameters to make them work.

I had actually figured that doing it this way would reduce the used code by a large margin. I am still thinking about merging the templates though and an example from you would be appreciated. I don’t like duplicate code either (even as a non-dev, because remember I am just a bartender) but this seemed to be the easiest way to create what I wanted.

The global_config on the other hand I will fix it with your suggestions in the next beta! Thanks!

Yeah, only one button template is quite complicated to maintain. I admit :slight_smile:

I will work on a way to factorize that, hard part of the work ~~

I will share here my template when it will be ready ( with a little documentation of all the parameters).

I added some (good) functionnality I think. For example, you can easily decide if a popup will open fullscreen or not, a lot of “badge” type etc.

Continuing to work now.

Thanks :slight_smile:

I am very curious what you’ll come up with.

You seem to know your way around HA, know that you can make PR’s on github. I can’t guarantee I will pass them but if you want to make this project better you can always do that.

For now I hope you enjoy this and I hope the heating issues and slow loading is fixed for you as well.

Thanks for your patience, feedback and support!

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Hey @jimz011 ,

Just a couple of things i noticed running this up on my test HA environment -

  • the Installation guide still makes reference to the old global_configuration.yaml file - i assume this has now been superseded by the global_config folder.
  • how does the frontpage_view_addon.yaml file fit into the global_config folder? it appears to be duplication of the frontpage_view.yaml file.

Something else to consider is changing the format of your themes file so that its compatibile with installing other themes from HACS. This should be achievable by adding a top level indent for the theme name and changing !include_dir_named to !include_dir_merge_named

Cheers! :beers:

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HA is just a passion, but you know that :stuck_out_tongue:

I still have a problem with custom:light-popup-card (the updated one with your repo). Don’t know why but I cannot click on it to toggle the light. I checked z-index stuff.
Do you have a clue ?

Yes it is a duplicate but with another layout. So you will either take the default (which is 00.frontpage.yaml) or choose one of the other layouts. How to use them is mentioned in the docs.

Basically what it means is that you have the choice between 4 different layouts.

  • default (2 large photos and a smaller middle photo)
  • 2 photos only (for 2 people housholds)
  • 4 large photos
  • 2 large and 2 small photos

Yes global config is undergoing some changes (which thx to a tip from @jncanches) will change one more (and last) time. Sorry about that but the current way is too prone to errors and keeping it this way will certainly cause my headache in the long run haha. So keep an eye on that. Also keep in mind that it is a “beta” so stuff can change rather quickly, although the changes coming will not be as dramatic as the changes from HKI 0.13.3 to 1.0a or even from the alpha to beta version.

Most fixes will be incremental, and hopefully after tomorrow I won’t need to do much crazy stuff anymore haha.

My bad, it works :slight_smile:
It was just because it is part of a swipe. Weird. I have to debug it in order to can swipe to more_info panel.

Sorry for the bad question.

Could you send me a screenshot of how the popup looks? Is it a large switch? If yes you need to slide it, not just press it)

It is a kind of 400px height and 100px width button.
I think to drag event is captured by the swipe card and so the switch cannot be dragged.

Those events can be tricky to manage.

Good idea, I will consider that, I have never used any themes from HACS. The good thing is though that I have changed many custom css to ha defaults which theoretically should work with themes on HACS! But there are still a few custom css lines but at max 4 lines!

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Works fine for me though… do you happen to use a small phone?