Homekit Infused 5 (HKI) v2023.1.3

Sorry if this was covered by an earlier post, but if I wanted to borrow one portion of the design elements and adapt for my own needs, how would I go about it? Specifically, I am looking to adapt the header-base-template with my own custom button elements on the right side. I already tried to adapt the yaml from your github, but I wound up with a markdown card that took up the whole page (in panel mode). I read through the Framework portion, but I don’t believe that is what I am after, as that seems to encompass other items that I don’t need/want. Thank you!

If you only want the header, I will suggest just installing the framework and then add your own cards/config like any normal lovelace config would do. The way lovelace works in HKI is slightly different but doesn’t deviate too much from default lovelace.

Though if you really want to try to break out the components, you’ll have to look in the base/templates/header folder.

Ok thanks! If all else fails, I’ll install the framework. That shouldn’t effect any of my other cards correct? Do you have any idea why the markdown card from the base template would take up the whole page/view?

Probably because you’ve set the view to panel mode @tc23

Oh ok, I’ll install the framework and see if it does the full width in browser. Thanks!

Hey I’m having trouble installing HKI.
How can I fix this?

Uhm looks like something wrong with the themes folder (or the inclusion of it)

Is the themes folder in the root of your setup (so not inside packages) and secondly did you put the themes line in your configuration.yaml? (See example configuration.yaml from the download)

I already found what was going wrong. It was frontend: themes. After removing it from my configuration it worked.
I already reinstalled everything from my snapshot.
I want some elements from your theme but it’s not so easy to understand.

Well I never really intended for the project to be used as separate elements. It was meant to be relatively simple for users that do like a nice header but do not have the skills (or the will/time) to code it. The way this works is simple, people that use this project will only need to know how to code single cards (like doing in the UI editor) and they can get prestyled code from the addons section.

I use quite a few templates so that this process is easier for the end user. I never intended the elements to be split, though quite a few pieces of code in the addons section do not use any template so they can be used on any lovelace setup.

Though I can however, help you to split some sections you want to use if you join our Discord channel (link in the first post or repo). This way I can help you faster as well as that you can get answers from the community that also use HKI (or parts from it).

Thanks Jim. I’m already using Discord and added your channel.
Templating is very handy but for me not always understandable.
When i need help I ask it on Discord.


First of all. So impressed that you´ve put all this time and effort into this project. I´m always amazed by people like you and the dedication you put into things.

I´m a big newbie in this world and followed your well-written guide exactly (I think), but still run into one problem and it says:

Card config incorrect
type: 'custom:swipe-card'
  allowTouchMove: true
  grabCursor: true
    disableOnInteraction: false
cards: {}

What am I doing wrong?

Simply means you don’t have any notifications setup. You can leave the default notification or create at least one yourself.

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Now I get “bad indentation” when I put this in notifications.yaml

- type: conditional
    - entity: person.jenny_jonassen
      state: "home"
    - '../base/templates/header/notification-template.yaml'
    - icon:mdi:check-box-outline
      name: Allt ok. Inget att rapportera

There is no space between icon and mdi:check-box-outline

It goes on…

bad indentation of a mapping entry at line 40, column 11:
- icon: mdi:check-box-outline

Could you please share me a bit more, mainly, what is the code at line 40? If you want you can send me your file via discord (find the link in the first post)

Custom header is no more. How will this affect Homekit Infused?

You can still use it

For now it still works (it needs a small css change but I will push those changes tonight).

What this means for the future of HKI is a bit uncertain, I am in the same boat as my good friend from DwainsTheme now and we are looking for solutions. One thing is sure though, and that is that the footer will eventually be phased out.

There are a few possible solutions:

  1. I find a way to break out the CH code to hide the header
  2. HA allows us to hide the header (core)
  3. Or someone else makes this specific component

Unfortunately all these solutions are based on ifs. If none of these solutions arise then I will have to choose to either continue with the core header (which in my eyes would seem a bit pointless since HKI v3 was specifically designed to just replace the header) or I might focus all the efforts in creating a native android app instead.

Fortunately the used features of CH is basically only hiding the header and adding a footer. I never used very advanced features of CH since I somehow knew it would bite me in the future. So it currently works on 0.116.x but I cannot say for how long. When the next beta drops I will let you guys know if it breaks or not.

For now you can simply wait til I drop the update tonight which adds a few things and fixes some issues CH has with 0.116.x

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Seems card-mod can replace most of Custom Header with some tinkering.

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