Homekit Notifications ios 13 issue

I have a Chamberlain MyQ Smart Garage Hub set up with Home Assistant and the MyQ Cover Integration so that I can control my garage door with HomeKit. Ever since updating to iOS 13, the HomeKit notifications for my garage door are sporadic at best for when my garage door has been opened or closed. Any device I have on iOS 12 gets every HomeKit notification for the garage door, but I can’t figure out why any device running iOS 13 doesn’t receive or show all the notifications. Does anyone know if this is an iOS 13/HomeKit issue, or is it something with Home Assistant/Hassio? I’ve searched for weeks and have found nothing related to Home Assistant or HomeKit referencing this same issue.

What’s displaying the notifications? The IOS HA App or Homekit?

HomeKit is displaying them. I can look in the HA logs and see that the doors opened and closed, but HomeKit rarely displays the notifications in iOS 13. However, all the notifications show up in iOS 12 and macOS 10.14…

Seems like you’ve found the source then. Homekit in IOS 13.

Jeff, Same issue. I think it is in HK.

Thanks for the reply. I think iOS 13 is the issue, but knowing how Apple is, I wasn’t sure they hadn’t changed something on the backend that was causing HA’s HomeKit implementation to be partly incompatible. As I’ve thought about it more and more, since some notifications are getting through, I am all but certain it is an iOS 13 issue.

Also wanted to make sure I wasn’t the only one having this problem…

Oh they could have. Is there a way to create a notification in homekit without HA?

Unfortunately, I cannot test notifications within HomeKit without HA, because I do not have any other devices in HomeKit that will allow notfications. You can only set up notfications in HomeKit for Doors, Locks, or Sensors. The only other notification I have set up and get is the Update notification from HA. Hopefully someone else who uses HomeKit and has other devices and notifications set up outside of HA can chime in with their experiences?

So if the item is changing state inside homekit but you aren’t getting notifications then it’s definitely homekit side. So start there then. Open a door, watch the app and see if the state is changing immediately (or whatever the normal delay is).

Yes, the state changes, but no notification is received the majority of the time. I’ve filed a bug report/feedback with Apple. Let’s see what they have to say, or if they ignore me when they ultimately figure out I’m using non-HomeKit certified software as the bridge for my garage door opener. It shouldn’t really matter, but unfortunately, you never can tell with Apple nowadays…

I have a similar setup. iOS13, HA 0.103.0 configured with cover: for myq. I experience an occasional miss, but usually receive the notification. Sometimes opening the iOS Home app triggers the notification. I believe these “lost” notification began after updating to iOS 13.x.x. You can still get reliable notifications for the native MyQ app.

Hi. Any feedback from the bug report filed with Apple?

I’ve received no reply, not even a notification saying it is a duplicate of another report, let alone an acknowledgment of receipt. Frustrating to say the least…

Same problem here with Envisalink and Home assistant.

I’m seeing the same issues with my Envisalink integration, HomeKit and Home Assistant.

My alarm arm/disarm notifications from the Home app are sporadic, but notifications for my window & door sensors linked to the same DSC panel are rock solid. Weird.

I see the same issue with Home Assistant using the Garadget integration (cover). Over the course of the day I keep seeing several notifications about my garage doors being open and closed. Just today I have received 15 notifications while the garage door has been open. Very frustrating :slight_smile:

Has anyone got this working yet? My Alarm isn’t showing notification in HK. Everything else works fine (even sensors related to the alarm).

My alarm status notification is still working randomly. :confused:

Same issue here. I set up a leak sensor in HASS (template binary sensor). It is a leak sensor in HK. I do not get the push notifications, but if I open the HK app, I get the notification.

Same exact issue with HomeKit and alarm panel. It used to work at some point, now only sends notifications maybe 5% of the time. And only for the alarm panel; doors are incredibly reliable and instant at sending notifications.

The alarm panel notifications should be top priority, you’d think. And iOS 15 is supposed to send critical alerts on alarm panel triggering, but it can’t even manage regular notifications on the panel.

Another thread about this: Homekit notification not reliable for alarm trigger

Two years and still nothing.

Actually, seems like 3 years: Hass.io and Homekit notification problem - #2 by psyciknz