HomeMatic IP Request: Add NEW HmIP DLD Door Lock

I tested it and it worked:)
I can confirm that set_device_value is working with the mentioned values.
That way it is much leaner - in addition to the lock template in HA, i now just have the status variable and a program setting the status var.
I just recognized, that changing the status in HA after pressing lock or unlock needs 10-20 seconds - any idea where this could be improved?


Nice. You should consider adding your solution as part of the documentation so others can easily recreate it. :+1:

Did it and created a pull request. Never did use github before, so i hope i have maintained everything needed.

Thanks @tobiasm for your solution and also thanks to @danielperna84 for his nice wrap-up. :clap:

After some fiddling around, I managed to get all up and running by

  1. adding daniels template into configuration.yaml,
  2. creating a status variable in homematic,
  3. creating a program in Homematic (see attached screenshot)
    (which sets the value of the status variable to ā€˜LOCKEDā€™ and ā€˜UNLOCKEDā€™, respectively - which is kind of counter-intuitive, as the values send from home assistant to homematic are ā€˜0ā€™ and ā€˜1ā€™ :roll_eyes: ) , and finally
  4. creating a script to use DLDā€™s ability to ā€œopenā€ the door be holding the latch for a short period of time.

Interestingly, I had to explicitly code the value_type to int! Otherwise it didnā€™t workā€¦ :man_shrugging:

value: '0'
value_type: int



picking up this older one.

@danielperna84, one of the latest updates to your HA lib seems to have an addition to show the lock status as a sensor.

I have the DLD at home now. That sensor does not show up, only battery status.

Is this not included into latest HA release yet or am I doing something wrong?


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Great! Any chance to get this also processed for the HMIP Access Point integration? Iā€˜ve raised already a pull request but it has beeb closed as i giess i mossed something:-(

Would be so great to have it also integrated straight with the HMIP AP .
Any chance i can support in it? Thanks!


I have created a PR that should fix the issue. :+1:

Tested the PR. Works!

Great. No HMIP Variable Hack and program needed anymore. :slight_smile:

THX: IĀ“ve raced this feature also. no solution till now? (same for other kits from ELV - like the 2-temperature sensor)

I will post the solution as soon as the next release includes the fix. It only enables DLD to be used easier.

Iā€™d love to see a better integration of HmIP DLD without a CCU2/CCU3 as wellā€¦ hoping with you

The HMIP DLD lock and the HMIP AP are working great in Homekit via the integration plugin from marc sowen: HOOBS

I switched cause of the plugin from
HA to hoobs and need to admit itā€˜s working great.

Documentation update, still pending to get merged.


sorry for this stupid question: But is it possible to create a switch out of the DLD Lock_state entity?
I want to lock & unlock my dld via a homeassistant button.
many thanks in advance

Link on how to integrate HMIP-DLD.

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Many thanks a lot!!!

I dontā€™t know where to find address, help :slight_smile:

address string REQUIRED
The address of your Homematic device. The address is the serial number of the device shown in the CCU in the devices section in the column serial number.

Donā€™t see it at all in app


In the CCU web frontend.

i have only homematicIP app and smartlock with central CCU3 :). Is this standalone software for homematic ip or something?

If you have a CCU3 you will have this. Either with raspimatic or original CCU3 FW.