Homematic issues with RaspberryMatic

Hi there,

hope to reach out some Homematic users using the latest RaspberryMatic version After upgrading to this version some of my Homematic IP devices are no longer detected ny Home Assistant (Lovelace UI shows them as unavailable). Not all Homematic IP devices are affected but I can’t find a pattern. Downgrading RaspberryMatic resolves the problem. The guys at RaspberryMatic told me this must be a Home Assistant issue. But I could’t find any posts from other users havin such problems.

Thanks for any hints how to tackle this.

Best Regards

I am a RaspberryMatic user too and experience similar problems since some days.

After a restart of Home Assistant, my Homematic IP devices are shown as “not reachable” in the UI while all other Homematic devices are working as expected. When I trigger the homematic reconnect service, everything seems to be normal again…BUT they are not really working. My motion sensor and my door sensors do not report any values to Home Assistant.

In the Configuration UI of RaspberryMatic the sensors are working as expected.

I downgraded to RaspberryMatic and my Homematic IP devices are working again. I hope this is not just a temporary fix.