Homematic - losing connection daily since 2021.12.x

Hello all,

i’ve a few Homematic (RF/classic) devices on a separate Pi (running PiVCCU 3.61.6) and since ever, this integration more or less worked flawlessly, spare a few disconnects here or there (every 2-4 weeks maybe).

This, however, has changed drastically since the update to 2021.12.x (now on .4) and it seems Home Assistant (running as HASS on another Pi) can’t keep the connection up for more than 12-24 hours.

After that timeframe, my temperature sensors don’t update anymore and also my actors (switched power sockets) don’t update anymore and are stuck in the state they’ve been then.

I’m sorry that i don’t know how to debug this issue any further and hope someone around here (maybe @danielperna84 ?) has an idea what to look for and where :open_mouth:



looking at the generic “Log” in /config/logs it looks like a few sensors / devices on the network couldn’t have been reached by the Home Assistant Pi:

So, since Home Assistant is connected via Wifi, i think the connection drops out at that point in time?

Weirdly enough, nothing has changed here - the Pi is in the same location, the access point is in the same location (no firmware updates there)…

Did anyone else notice a switch in behaviour regarding Wifi?

Using the HomeMatic integration over Wifi is indeed very problematic. Even if it worked so far, the dropped connections are a real problem. So if possible switch to a wired connection.

Apart from that, the only thing that happened in Home Assistant is that support for more HomeMatic devices was added. So your problems certainly are not related to the update. I of course can’t say what else is responsible for the trouble. Maybe some other component of Home Assistant is now doing something funky within the network which is messing up your Wifi.

Ultimately, i guess i’ll have to. Yet it has worked flawlessly for 2 years now (aside from the occasional disconnect).

But yeah, i guess going wired needs to happen :frowning:

Thank you for that :slight_smile:

I suppose so, not sure what it is or how to get a handle on it, but i’ll be on the lookout…

Any ideas what i could/should be looking at?