@freshcoast You’re a genius! lol…seriously thanks. I can’t believe it was that easy. So…on another note. I took your same logic and applied it to parameter 13 (normal/status mode). I’ve tried using the values: 1 or 0, that didn’t work. I tried “Normal” and “Status” and that didn’t work. Any ideas on how I can trigger this parameter?
@freshcoast That did it! Thank you!!! Last question…(i hope)…is there anyway to apply this to a HA group? I have 6 switches throughout the house that I would like to send status updates through automations and it sure would be easier to just group em all together and send them that way…but it appears you can only write to one node with this set command? Am I wrong?
There might be some fancy template logic that could do it, but the answer that comes to my mind first is to use a Python script. I use a script to set the status lights for my ceiling fan switch, however I only have one so I’m not using any groups. I followed the code from this project. The sample python script there takes a group entity id (of multiple switches) and applies the settings to all of them. Sounds like what you are asking for.
This looks like it’s just what I’m looking for! So this python script also works with the FC200+ fan switches? I happen to own a few of those as well! Looking over the python script, do I need to modify any parameters within the .py script? Or are all the variable passed through the just send the values through the call functions?
So I got it working…turns out I was grouping the “light” entity of the WD200 and not the “zwave” entity. Does anyone have this python script also working with FC200+ switches?
This is so awesome!! I just read in this thread "LED Mode" on HomeSeer Switches (100/200 series) that HA has support for the LEDs. I’ve built a package to set a few of the states on the switch to easily enable automations to set them up.
My HS-WD200+ is on node 6 so you’ll probably have to change the automations node_id field to align with yours.
I’ve limited the blink frequency to max: 50 because that’s five seconds between off and on and I didn’t care about it blinking off and on with minutes in between.
If you rename any of the entity_ids be aware that the last automation’s template looks for the number value in the entities’ names. You’ll get an error if you remap the entity names but not the color automation.
I didn’t progam all of the available options for the HS-WD200+ because I don’t care about any of the others.
Every click of the mouse modifies the Z-Wave settings on the device, real time!
Anyone using this switch with the new ozw and successfully using scenes (2, 3, 4x taps) for automations?
I have been using the GE switch with double tap for a long time, since before HA (was with Smartthings) and it works but recently found out that with the new ozw integration ozw itself doesn’t report the events that this switch sends out given that the GE does scene control in a crude way. Since I only really use the scene control in 1 maybe 2 rooms in my house, and I am ok with replacing those 2 switches with homeseer down the line, but i really want this multi tap feature.
I’m trying to use this but I’m not sure where to put the cards stuff. Does that go into a file somewhere? Or directly into the lovelace raw configuration editor? I tried pasting it into the raw configuration editor and all I get is three unnamed views and two buttons (Normal Mode and Status Mode). It seems like maybe the spacing is off. This is what I have:
It doesn’t allow the easy editor, but you can see the code and the result. You need to have all the other things defined for the cards to reference otherwise it won’t work properly.
I have this all working, thank you for this!. Thing is, I have dozens of Homeseer dimmers and switches. I want to add a card at the top of the vertical stack with an input_select list of entities to choose which switch (node_id) that I want to modify or reference.
So I am seeing we have the LED ligthing worked out… but what about double, triple, quad clicks? Does it work? I was going to use my via Vera (which has a plug in that does enable double, triple clicks), but not sure those will translate over to HA or how?