!!! Later Edit: This post initally described an extra SQL script to fix the sum column in the statistics table. That did not work for me as, after little time, HA continued to write wrong data to that column and perpetuated the issue. I have corrected the post to show my current fix which is to make minor changes to the DB (step 5) and fix the statistics from the Developer Tools (Step 7). I am still monitoring the health of my HA instance and looking our for DB issues.
I took another approach to fixing the problem. For me the issue appeared in March 2024, when i noticed i had lost my long term history.
Here are my steps:
1. Make backup. You can corrupt your DB and then you loose everything. Make sure you can recover.
2. Stop your HA instance. This way you minimize the chance to corrupt your DB.
3. Use DB Browser for Sql Lite to open your DB file.
4. Use Browse data, go to the statistics_meta table. Identify your old and new sensors and make note of their id’s. Do the same for the gas sensor.
Match these accordingly. For example in my case:
OLD id >>>> NEW id
2 127
3 128
4 130
5 131
8 134
The next steps will attempt to join the data that is already in your DB. What i am tryin gto do here is to use the old data associated with the old metadata_id and make it look like it is data belonging to the new metadata_id of the new sensor.
This causes an issue with the sum column. Once the data is “joined” the data in the sum colum goes up constantly until the moment when the new sensor gets added. Then it goes to 0 and start going up again. I try to fix this in step 7.
5. Update the old metadata_id in the statistics table with the new corresponding ID. In my case i used this script:
update "statistics" set metadata_id=127 where metadata_id = 2;
update "statistics" set metadata_id=128 where metadata_id = 3;
update "statistics" set metadata_id=130 where metadata_id = 4;
update "statistics" set metadata_id=131 where metadata_id = 5;
update "statistics" set metadata_id=134 where metadata_id = 8;
Here you might get an error is there is an overlap constraint in the timestamps. I removed the very last entry from the old data. So, for example metadata_id=2 would not overlap with it’s corresponding new metadata_id=127. Just filter for the medatada_id field, scroll all the way down and check the last entry. You should not have an overlap with the first entry timestamp of your new metadata_id. Repeat the removal of the overlap entries for each ID, and rerun your script.
After running this script, there should be no more old medatada_id’s in your statistics table.
6. Use the write changes button in your DB Browser for sql lite app to write to the file. Start HA.
7. Fix the sum column
Unfortunately i was not done. The sum column, has also reset for me so my statistics were broken. What i mean by this is that for the old values the sum continues to rise constantly and as soon as the new values from the new sensors appear, the sum goes to 0 and continues to rise from there.
I initially tried to run a SQL script to fix the sum column but HA did not like that and it continued to perpetuate the issue from the sum column.
My current solution is not to make any more changes from the DB except the ones described above. Just start HA, then go to Developer Tools > Statistics. Find your new sensor and clock the graph buton.
Click Outliers button to find the culprit
You will see exactly one value that is waaay off. In my case, for the gas sensor, i had a negative value from around the time when my issues started.
Click on it and adjust it to 0
Check statistics and confirm graph is looking nicely.
8. Monitor
You have made manual changes in the DB. Make sure your HA remains healthy. Watch out for exceptions in the logs related to DB issues. If you see funny stuff, you might be better off restoring the DB from backup and just writing off the lost data.