2023.12: Welcome home!

Known bug

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the one big issue we saw return (after being fixed initially in the last update) is the device_trackers going unavailable when offline on startup for the Unifi network integration. it might help fixing this is others joined in the GitHub repo issue
Nothing should have changed in the code, and yet here we are

Skoda connect also works, the problems are caused by new terms. Accept those in the Skoda app and all is well again. Just an unfortunate timing coincidence.

Big problem with HomeWizard. The upgrade disabled the t1 import entities and generated a new entity without history. So I was missing complete history. Swapping statistics id’s in de database resolved this. But utility meters based on the T1 entities also broken. Cost me already 3 hours to correct things in the database and statistics. Had to correct 17 devices…

What I noticed is that it generated dutch names i.s.o. english ones. And based on the device name. So maybe language setting related? For some devices which have been renamed in the passed I have half the entities with the previous name, half the new name, half in english and half in dutch. A mess!

It works! Thank you, my friend!

I was just thinking due_date and due_datetime, in the Add_item service call might be useful to you if you are using it for your daily agenda.

Hi! @Frank_Howell opened a topic for changes in the HomeWizard integration, can you move your comment to topic so we can keep everything together? → HomeWizard and 2023.12

Thanks :slight_smile:

Anyone having an issue where the new login page doesn’t show? As far as I recall it doesn’t appear any different than 2023.11. I can see the user images in Lovelace, on both my user profile and as badges, and I’m on a trusted network with only IPv4, but it doesn’t show the images on the logon screen and I don’t see the “Who’s logging in” text.

HASSOS on x86 bare metal
Core 2023.12.0
Supervisor 2023.11.6
Operating System 11.2
Frontend 20231206.0

Update: Well I finally figured out that I needed to click on the “Home Assistant Local” arrow at the bottom, which then shows the new screen with user images. Is there any way to make that the default screen? Otherwise, no one in my family would bother to use it. It takes a second click to get to it, and I’m all about less clicks.

Update #2: Figured it out - I had to move the homeassistant entry above trusted_networks in configuration.yaml:

    - type: homeassistant
    - type: trusted_networks

Thank your very much @karwosts for adding the feature to display statistics values in the history graph. That’s one of the best and most useful features this year.

I still have some confusion around this. Is long term storage something new? And its completely different from the 10 (default) recorder?

Long term stats were added when energy was added. So 3 years old maybe? Yes it’s a separate database optimized for numerical values and it aggregates the data instead of storing each state change.


found a bug with the deep linked to do links, looks like they end up defaulting to whatever was last selected as a todo item. So if you have 2 items and copy the link for Item A and select Item B, then when you open a new tab and paste the URL it open Item B instead of Item A. This impacts desktop and mobile.


Thanks for the heads up. I had to change a setting in pfsense haproxy to get mine to work also.

@marcus22 @Duke_box @SanderKo85 (and anyone else who had the thermostat card remove Power, Heat, Cool, Auto, etc)

The autogenerated UI will now default to exposing HVAC modes in the thermostat card, which will give you that functionality back without doing anything. This will be available in 2023.12.1, which is planned for tomorrow.

@Ih8rain2 it looks like you’ve taken control of your dashboard, you can add/remove features via the UI. Not sure if you saw that because your last post claims you can’t find them.

As for those who control your UI,


Also 2023.12.1 will bring back the 30 second scan interval for ping.


No I rolled back to the previous release where the thermostats looked fine to me. See my post.

Ok, just keep in mind that when you update (to any future release), you’ll need to add the features to your configuration because you aren’t running the default dashboard.


I checked features drop list but doesn’t have anything useful.
The only thing nice about the new thermostat (for me) is the ring. The rest is a step backwards

I would just be great full if the target temperature and the actual temperature would be switched.


and if you want your climates to use a saner step than 0.1 simply add



      target_temp_step: 0.5

works just beautifully


I suggest you vote for this Feature Request:

FWIW, I also prefer to see a larger current temperature (and smaller target temperature). My physical thermostat (an HAI Omnistat/2 that’s well over ten years old) displays it like that.


The thermostart card - not an improvement, at least not yet

First thing to draw the eye on a dashbord : the HUGE BRIGHT coloured mode-change buttons on each thermostat - not the thing you want to detect first. They are BRIGHT even when the thermostat is idle and otherwise low-tuned - seriously ?

Second thing you detect is the setpoint - which you already know - where is the current value, get your glasses…

The update removes functionality from the dashbord - yes it’s possible to get that back by making additional configuration - but that is not what you expect every end-user to do, typically it’s a task for the one(s) doing maintenance. Thus this was a breaking change - but not listed as one.