HomeWizard Energy (Wi-Fi P1 meter, kWh meter, Energy Socket and Water Meter)

I’ using a Home Wizard P1 meter for over a year to use excess solar energy instead of sending it to the grid.
This is partcularly interesting for me in the spring and autumn to save gas by automatically switching on-off an IR panel.
However, from time to time the connection with HA is lost, making it unreliable.
In the screenshot you can see it happening multiple times and the connection mostly recovers but sometimes it doesn’t and then I have to make connection again by pushing the HomeWizard button. The P1 meter always keeps connection with it’s app, so no problem there.
I’m using a mesh with OpenWRT and wondered if setting a fix IP adress would help but didn’t succeed in doing that.

Do you have any advise for me?

Did you check in the settings of your router if it is possible to fix the IP address of you P1 meter by configuring your DHCP server to always give the same IP address, based on the MAC address of your P1 meter.
I do this for a number of IP devices in my home network
I don’t have an openwrt based router, but I always read that openwrt provides really extended settings compared to lots of commercial home routers.

I did some googling and found this in the openwrt documentation:
It is called static lease in openwrt.


and via command line

I made the change in OpenWRT. let’s see if it works.
Thanks for the research!

In the Homewizard app (don’t know which meter you have), select “Mijn huis” screen (“My home”?) , select a graph. Then day/month/year is selectable.
The paying version has more features I assume.

In the official app, you can find the energy used produced by the panels. Where can I find this in HA ?

:postal_horn: HomeWizard has created an RJ45/HAN compatible P1 meter (in comparison to the more common RJ12 variant). To get some initial responses and user feedback the price is reduced for a short period. I would highly appreciate if you help testing, if you are living in Norway or have an HAN/RJ45 smart meter in Sweden)! → HomeWizard Wi-Fi P1 Meter - HomeWizard

Probably a stupid question, but how did you get the date/time from the json in HA?

Question, working with my own HW-module it works like a charm. But now I would like to add the HW-module at my parents house also added to my dashboard.

Is this possible? Or does the API only support local connection?

It is a ‘local’ API :wink:

If you really want to do this, you can

  • do some scary port forwarding stuff (which exposes data, just don’t do this. Not sure why I am even suggesting this)
  • or, Setup a site-to-site VPN
  • or, use ‘Remote Home Assistant

I used to have a beautiful dashboard with all my energy expenses. I recently changed my energy contract to hourly rated prices. HomeWizard calculates this beautifully. But to reproduce this in HA is quite a hassle. Has anyone succeed to get the day/week/month/year prices synced from HomeWizard to HomeAssistant?

Logger: homeassistant.components.homewizard.coordinator
Source: components/homewizard/coordinator.py:62
integration: HomeWizard Energy ([documentation](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/homewizard), [issues](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22integration%3A+homewizard%22))
First occurred: 18:33:21 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 18:33:21

Watermeter (************) is running an outdated firmware version (system is not supported). Contact HomeWizard support to update your device

First time getting this warning.

Home Assistant

Core 2024.4.3
Supervisor 2024.04.0
Operating System 12.2
Frontend 20240404.2

Do this. :point_up:

Or press this button. :point_down:

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Thank you for your swift reply. I get a timeout and/or 408 error for the updated device. No smooth operation. Why didn’t I receive update notifications/reminder, did I miss a setting or something.

There is no notification because HomeWizard devices are updated automatically. I think something is going up with your Wi-Fi (firewall, parental control, bad signal). (You can try for example to temporarily move your Watermeter to a better location)

When this all does not help, just contact HomeWizard support. They will properly reach out to me behind the scenes but we have a better context then.

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Thank you very much for your detailed reply. Like I said, never had these issues before. Will trial-and-error / eliminate all possible causes you mentioned. Keep you posted. Cheers


The HW Water meter seems to have died while trying to update the new firmware:

  1. removed it from my utilities water meter and moved it to another AP
  2. the pairing button gives me no blue blinking led;
  3. the units makes a terrible noise - recorded it for HW CS;
  4. It should reconnect with my IoT network:

I’ll contact HW CS to resolve this issue.

edit: typos

Without any feedback from Home Wizard on my support request, intervention(s) from my side for firewall / WiFi / etc, the HWE Water meter resurrected to life after powering it up again - on my desktop - just to give it another try.

Reseated it onto the utility meter and all is up-and-running again. Current WiFi signal is 68%.

Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 10.26.17

Again, a very strange and unreliable behavior to me. Glad it’s working again, but do I need to RMA this unit?

edit - 15h01

Having serious issues with all devices now dropping from my IoT network using WiFi, @DCSBL can you please advise? Is this related to the new firmware / iOS app updates?

Please use this thread for issues, ideas or discussions with Home Assistant. I recommend to stay in contact with HomeWizard Support to fix any issue you have with the device.

What’s the usual response time of the HomeWizard Support Team?

@DCSBL First of al thank you for the time and efforty you have put in this app! its a nice adition to home assistant! I noticed that HomeWizard did an update that makes the implementation of a lot of SolarPanel brands in there system very easy. Are you planning to implement this data to HA, in a next update? I could use the custom made apps but this is extra load on the system and a lot of hastle to install.

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