Homewizard WiFi Watermeter

The number is 0 due to it shows the actual use, not the daily use, click on the entity and see the history of the use. There is no daily use in Liters available

@MS1977 - I added the following to my configuration.yaml to create a sensor to mimic the water meter.

  - sensor:
      - name: Water Meter Reading
        unique_id: water_meter_running_total
        state_class: total_increasing
        unit_of_measurement: m³
        device_class: water
        icon: mdi:gauge
        state: "{{ (379.832 + states.sensor.water_meter_total_water_usage.state |float) }}"

where 379.832 is actual meter reading value LESS current Homewizard sensor value.

Just arrive yesterday and I have several problems. Disconnected fro Home assistant several times, but with connected with 100% WiFi signal

Now is working in HA but freeze in the aplication.

Right now it s not providing me trusted functionality.

Any experience to share and improve my feeling?

I received mine today, sadly can’t integrate in the energy dashboard… it got instant detected in Homeassistant and added 4 devices… but not selectable for the energy dashboard

You can add the sensor in settings, dashboard, energy, water. The sensor total water usage will do the job

no, not selectable



Try to see if a reboot of HA works. If not, please open an issue here and fill in as much details as available: Sign in to GitHub · GitHub

with the Energy app of Homewizard installed on your phone, you see data there?

Yes i do, also in homeassistant. but can’t select it in the energy dashboard

yes i did a reboot, nothing selectable.

I know making a template would work, as i gonna use the template of @rjblake because i want it to start not from 0 so that would solve my problem.

But for new people i think it won’t be selectable in the dashboard…
Maybe i gonna open a ticket.

It should just work, no templates needed. If you open an ticket at GitHub we maybe can figure out what is wrong.


Your template, is it based on the dutch watermeter right ?
As the digits on my last watermeter don’t actiually count the liters.

For example my digits start like this.
1000.123 last 3 are in red.
What one are counting the real liters? as i want to keep track of my usage based on my ITRON counter.

The entity was not selectable because my name changed when re-setting and re-adding it to homeassistant.
It was excluded from my recorder, because i use only manual including to reduce the file size.
So because of that it could not make any data and thats why it was not selectable.

I just forget to change the name again… hehe

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Hey @malosaa Malosaa, I’m having the same issue you reported but I don’t fully understand what you did. My situation: So I configured the P1 Homewizzard 2 months ago. This works great!! (really big Cudos to @DCSBL Unsigus)Last week I tried to add the Watermeter as well but it shows up in HA as separate entity and not as an integration of the existing P1 Energy meter.


Yes what i did was just include the entity in my recorder and it worked.
If you exclude that specific entity u can’t choose it from the energy DB, thats what my issue was.

It shows up as an integration, look my screenshot


Thank you @malosaa . Not the same problem as you though. I did see the water meter entity. I only had to add it to the energy dashboard as @Maran had indicated. It works now. Thanks all. I really love this feature!!

Hi all,

Just got the Watermeter up and running in HASS, working like a charm and reports all the data very accurately.

However, what would be a good way of displaying the total usage of water in such a way that it only displays the usage of the current day? I’m curious if this is possible and if so, how, because I’d like to visualize my day to day water usage in a neat graph. Thanks!


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