Homewizard WiFi Watermeter

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Is it possible to access watermeter data from server? I can not use USB because there is no power supply, but i wpuld like to still import data to HA (not with local API).

Hi, I have that one and for me it is working fine. Get all the data and it is pretty accurate as well.

Thanks for confirming. Iā€™ve bought the watermeter and itā€™s working correctly.

Some time ago I installed my HomeWizard watermeter and it works like a charm.
During setup I created a step-by-step instructions.

In the next weeks I will probably add more related projects (like GUI, waterleak detection)
Just wanted to share it :slight_smile:


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I have bought a watermeter from Homewizard but no matter what I do I canā€™t get it connected to the App. I already tried all the troubleshooting steps:
Disabling 5 GHz
Disabling mobile data
Even disabled my mesh, to only have a single WiFi provider
Disabled all DNS filtering rules
The device connected succesfully to Wifi a few times (can see itā€™s IP adress in my router), but still the App tells me that setup failed. I also had the constant breathing green light.
After trying it da dozen times, it wonā€™t connect to any Wifi anymore. Not even a mobile hotspot on a second phone, itā€™s always blinking green and then red.

I already reached out to the helpdesk but didnā€™t get an answer from them. Is there a way to completely reset the watermeter and delete any saved Wifi credentials? Also is there another way to enable local API than using the App?

How have you tried to contact them?

Press the little button on the bottom for at least 10 seconds

No, not yet. But even when it was possible you have to connect the device to Wi-Fi,.

Ok, for whatever reason, after the like 46743 try it suddenly worked. Itā€™s connected now for 4 hours and works perfectly. I did not change anything it just connected as it should and appeared in the iOS App. Local API activated and it worked in HA as it should.

But thanks for your help anyway! Iā€™ll remember the reset button if needed.

Do you guys know if there is any solution for Australian water meters? If not that than may be something else ?

A bit offtopic maybe, because the integrated HomeWizard plugin in Home Assistant canā€™t do this as far as I know.

I donā€™t have any utility power at my watermeter location, so I use batteries and I upload waterusage 4 times a day to the Homewizard cloud. Iā€™m trying to find a way to pull the waterusage from the cloud API and store it into Home Assistant. Does anyone know about such integration (preferably via HACS)? If not, does anyone have documentation about The Homewizard cloud API or reversed engineered it?

Hope there will be a way to do this. Other option I see will be a hardware mod to make it a BLE device. Iā€™m also open for other suggestions, even for other devices that last a long time with batteries and can be integrated into Home Assistant.

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good questions. maybe scraping the website will do the job using the scrape integraion?

I am hesitant to buy this, as i have no power at my water meter

I just bought the home wizard WiFi water meter after getting the P1 meter and energy display. Iā€™m trying to set it up but it always fails on the set ā€œAdding to your homeā€ and then says something is wrong with the WiFi configuration, although the light is green on the water meter and the WiFi connection step is done.

I have tried everything they tell you to do on their website. Anyone else encountered the same issue and how did you fix it? Now the device is not usable cause I canā€™t add it to my home

Does anybody have homewizard watermeter installed on non-officially compatible watermeter? I have one that has literally same clock-kind round scale the meter requires but is not listed between compatible devices. I guess this is going to be only a problem of mounting it properly?

Hello all. I just got the Watermeter and have it installed. Added it to Home Assistant and it shows 16 L consumption. In Energy app on my phone it shows 31 L. So what is correct value?

I wish to collect data myself in parallel. How often should I store values from API and how to calculate total usage in liter.

@DCSBL Can you please explain how this value is calculated from the API data? I get this values:


It is just a m3 to liter conversion, so 31 liter would be correct. I have no idea why Home Assistant thinks otherwise.

The value is updated every 5 seconds, the Energy Dashboard in HA is updated every hour, maybe it missed the first 16 liters?

If you think this is a bug, then please open a GitHub issue and provide all details.

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If this is the meter from which your water rates are determined, then it may work well for you. The are two big downsides. Cloud based, that is, someone else is monitoring, too. The code is in a very sketchy phase of development. Good fun if you want to be part of the development team, bad fun if they go bust.

For my water flow meter I bought a flow meter (USD$20) an Arduino Nano with nRF24 radio and a power supply (USD$7). The case for it is a used yogurt container. Next one will be with an ESP8266 (running Tasmota?)

For the time, effort and money I wouldnā€™t do it. But then, youā€™re not me.

Best of luck

I think I added Watermeter at later time to HA so that is probably why it doesnā€™t have all the data.

So API is queried every 5 seconds and value of active_liter_lpm is used there? In what calculation? I am guessing to calculate usage per minute/hour? What measurment for example is used to calculate that between 18:00 and 19:00 85L of water was used?

Having hard time to understand :frowning:.

Would like to mimic this graph in Grafana with data I am collecting from the device. I have updated saving data from 10 seconds to 5 seconds now. So I should get same values as they are collected in HA and possible also in Energy app.

Thank you for your help and for the HA extension that you maintain.

Can you explain what you mean by ā€œThe code is in a very sketchy phase of development. Good fun if you want to be part of the development team, bad fun if they go bustā€?

From my experience, this is a professional product with great support. And about the cloudā€”yeah, you might have a point, but itā€™s super easy to turn off cloud communication and run everything locally. No need to rely on the company or the cloud at all.

IMO a self made product is cool, but requires more maintenance (which equals to time, which equals to money). I prefer to just buy a working product.

Ah, I see you added the data to the energy dashboard. From that point you donā€™t have to think about the watermeter itself, everything works the same for all devices.

Please refer to Understanding Home Energy Management - Home Assistant to learn everything you need to know.