Hörmann garage door via MQTT

in theory yes, but the code for that is a bit complicated i guess and not part of the project currently.

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Hello everyone, got another batch of PCBs now, they are better than the ones before but not perfect sadly because my new PSU doesen’t like 24V yet due to some design errors i made. But everything else works, so as long as you are okay to use an external 5V USB Powersupply it will work great.

I plan on building another Version, but it will take around a Month, hopefully this will support 24V directly from the Motor again.

The Software also advanced quite a bit in the past weeks so the PCBs will be preflashed and the WIFI Connection and MQTT can be set over a Webbrowser (ESP opens a Wifi you can connect to).

  • Based on ESP32-S3 WROOM-1 MCU
  • Integrated PSU (only 5V working, needs USB Power)
  • RJ12 Plug for Cable (Cable included)
  • Soldered RS485 Module
  • 3V3 LED as well as 4 IO LEDs
  • 4 Ports for Sensors (details see below)
  • Serial Header and 4 other GPIOs
  • only 55x55mm PCB size

Ports for Sensors incl. Pinout looking at front of PCB:

EXP1 (BMP280 optimized): 3V3 - GND - IO - IO
EXP2: GND - IO - IO - 3V3

A Complete and tested PCB will be 30€ without shipping, so a bit cheaper because it isn’t perfect. Shipping only inside the EU, just send me a PN, still got a few PCBs left after finishing preorders.

I will send out the PCBs on Saturday the 12th if you Order until the 11th 23:00 UTC, after that there will be a 2 Week waiting time due to my Summer Vacation :slight_smile:


Hi, just wanted to share. I got mine and it works perfectly. I had trouble to get it connected but then seen a previous comment here about activating the bus scan (number 8 switch) in the horman (romantic 4) panel .

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I hope you had a wonderful vacation :slight_smile:
If there are boards available, I would like to order such a board, if possible fully equipped.
How to order?

Regards Skipperich

yeah i got new ones now, will make a post how to order later today.

Hello everyone, the new PCBs do work nicely now and i shipped some preorders already :slight_smile:

I’m now waiting for some parts to build more PCBs, but you can already Order a finished and tested PCB over my Shop (link below), i estimate that new Orders will be shipped in 2-3 weeks.

Due to taxes i had to raise the price by 5€, i guess there will be a few more people that wan’t a PCB so i need to handle everything over my company to avoid issues with the tax office :stuck_out_tongue:



Thank You for the fast delivery! I installed it in 30 minutes and it worked immediately after bus scan .
It works perfect and I want to express my thank to all who contributed to this work.
Also the integration to ha works perfect.
I have a promatic 4.

Regards skipperich

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really happy to hear that! Thanks for the Feedback!

Hey Tyson,

Is the new batch on you’re website without the ‘design’ error?. So no need of an external 5v supply?

Yes, all issues are fixed, just plug it into the Motor via the supplied Rj12 cable, init a bus scan on the motor and it works.

Of course you can still use the USB-C to flash firmware or power it on initial setup when not connected to the Garage Door, but this is optional.


Do you by any chance know if this also works with the Supramatic E?.

EDIT: Found it. Just ordered one :slight_smile:

Hey Manuel,

Received the board! Congrats for that.

I’m just struggling to get it to work.
I’ve found the web interface page at and so far thats works after a bus scan.

Now i need to connect it to my MQTT broker that is running as an addon in Home Assistant (officiel addon).

Ive set-up:
MQTT Server:
MQTT Port: 1883
MQTT User: ?? (Never created something for MQTT with Zigbee2MQTT)
MQTT Password: ?? (Same story)

I’ve read that you can use an internal user. I just tried the credentials of my admin account but that just tells me to restart the bus scan to clear the error.
After doing so …nothing happens and the web interface states: mqttstatus: false

What am i missing?

If your HCPBridge is on then your MQTT Broker which runs as a Home Assistant Addon can not be on the same IP. You need to tell your bridge the address of your broker which, in your case, is your Home assistant IP. So the MQTT part of your configuration.h should look like this:

const char *MQTTSERVER = "IP of your HomeAssistant without port";
const int MQTTPORT = 1883; 
const char MQTTUSER[] = "mqtt";
const char MQTTPASSWORD[] = "password";

MQTTUSER and MQTTPASSWORD can be configured in your Home Assistant Mosquitto broker configuration and looks like this: (Haven’t tested it, but maybe you can leave these values empty. If not set your Zigbee2MQTT to the same user and password.)

- username: user
  password: your password

Don’t forget to save and restart the Addon. The bridge should be discovered automatically in Home Assistant. You might want to add the MQTT integration in HA if not done already.

Sorry. Typo.
The HCPBridge is on

My Home Assistant instance is on (confusing…)


  1. Created a user for MQTT
  2. added them to the broker settings
  - username: mqtt
    password: mqtt
  1. Restarted the broker
  2. added these credentials to the HCPBridge interface
  3. Restarted that one

This is the result in the HCPBridge:

Is and in the same Subnet? If not, can reach 1883/tcp?
I also don’t understand the “"ip":""” part. You are getting this info from the /status endpoint of your bridge right? Which means id definitely has an IP address.

Yeah, That info is from the /status page from the HCPBridge.
The is just that there is no internet.

But the ‘Enable Wifi AP’ only let me create a point for the web-interface.

Do you get on your web ui being connected on your regular network or are you connected to the wifi hcpbridge from the device as AP is still active. Because your device has to be on the same network ad your mqtt broker. You have to make your device join your network where your mqtt server is. To do this enter your wifi credentials and then check if on your router you see and device with name hcpbridge. Go to the ip you the there and on the web interface deactivate the wifi access point. Then check if you’re device connect to mqtt otherwise check the setup of your mqtt broker how to create an user.

Problem is that it’s not on my network.
Been really sleepy last evening :sweat_smile:

Do i have to flash it again with mu wifi credentials?. Was thinking there was an option on the web UI to do that.

For those of you with Supramatic E3, what port is it supposed to be plugged into? is it the BUS port?
Does it need additional configuration to be “opened”?


on the webui you can just enter your wifi credentials if you got the current version, it should have shipped with that version from what i rememeber, If you flashed it with something else you maybe don’t have that option and need to flash it again.

But yeah, this is you issue, you didn’t connect it to your wifi :slight_smile: