Hörmann garage door via MQTT

@Trilis29 Have you tried the latest version of this firmware? GitHub - Gifford47/HCPBridgeMqtt at master (Use the master Branch) Are you using Tysonpowers board? What motor do you have?

Your post about locking yourself out made me a bit anxious It’ll happen to me too so I’ve spent the morning trying to lock myself out. (Blocking the device from WiFi, reducing TX power from my wifi so the HCPbridge has trouble connecting, changing MQTT credentials, shutting down MQTT Server temporarily)
Only thing that locked me out was disconnecting the board without running a bus scan.

Restarting the motor was the only thing that helped, didn’t need to factory reset.

@Brad_Ford There were a few commits within the last two months that should help prevent a crash. (5851ee5, 00b8fc3)

Also if you don’t have a separate door to your garage you are usually required to have a manual way of unlocking your garage door from the outside. (At least that’s what the dude that installed the motor told me.)

Thanks @fw1

Its ok, I have plenty of other things on my mind with a new house at the moment. Current focus is Frigate…

I think next weekend I will be back at it, fortunately the garage is connected to the house so we had a backup :slight_smile:

I have also the Promatic 4. have you managed to find out if this PCB is compatible?

I also got a Promatic 4, works fine :wink:

hello, can someone explain to me how to make the module be recognized on the pc in order to be able to upload something to it? THANKS

While plugging in hold the button labeled “Boot”. You should now be able to flash your firmware.

Thank you for the feedback.

Unfortunately, I have no “com” port detected on the pc by starting the board with or without pressing the “boot” button…



I only have the blue light coming on and I don’t hear the pc emit the usual sound when I plug in an esp d1 mini for example…

I’m open to any other ideas.

I haven’t touched Windows in over a decade so I have no Idea how I would debug something like that on there.
But if you have a linux machine handy you could watch dmesg to check if the device gets recognized at all. Maybe try a different USB cable or even a different USB port.
If you have a USB to Serial/TTL converter you could try flashing via the RX/TX pins on the board directly if you know what you are doing.

As per previous about the book button.

But other ideas to check:

  • Is your browser blocking access to USB devices? (I use Chrome)
  • Is it actually a USB data cable? (I occasionally grab the wrong one)
  • Do you have the drivers installed? (go to web.esphome.io; yes I know it is not for this device but it will prompt you about the drivers with the correct links)

Thanks for your help.

I’m sure of my USB cables, I tried 3 and the pc detects other devices via these 3 cables.

Regarding the driver, the D1 mini and the ESP32 Dev Kit are well recognized.

I will try via the TTL, can you tell me in what order are the PINs exactly?


Okay, had two minutes (literally two minutes, 120 seconds. so take this info with a grain of salt) and tested my board with a multimeter.
The square one, right next to the BOOT button is GND then TX, RX, the last one (of the first four) is not connected, I think.
So you’d have to find a point to supply the 3.3v yourself (!some usb to ttls only supply 5 volts so be careful!). maybe at the coil but check with multimeter first! I do not guarantee that it’ll work. All the other exposed pins are unused IO pins directly from the ESP.
You can still use the BOOT button while connecting your TTL to enter the correct Bootmode.
Disconnect everything else before you try this!!!

Thank you again for your help !

It’s progressing, I managed to flash it via TTL

I get the module web page but “not connected”

Do we agree that the module is not self-powered by the 6-PIN socket connected to the motor?

Hey that is one of my Boards, sorry wasn’t looking at the Forum recently.

The Boards are powered over the RJ12 Connector directly from the Motor, no other Connections need to be made, that is how i tested the Board you got from me as well before sending it out :slight_smile:

Will look at your DMs now.

Thank you all for your precious help, after passing the engine to bus scan, the module turned on and worked directly!


Small question, is a port to ESPHome planned in the long term?

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Regarding Esphome - there was some groundwork done to bring that forward by @14yannick. However it sits stranded as of now.

happy to hear that! Have Fun with your new App controlled Garage Door :stuck_out_tongue:

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Can this PCB also function as a Bluetooth proxy ?

in theory yes, but the code for that is a bit complicated i guess and not part of the project currently.

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Hello everyone, got another batch of PCBs now, they are better than the ones before but not perfect sadly because my new PSU doesen’t like 24V yet due to some design errors i made. But everything else works, so as long as you are okay to use an external 5V USB Powersupply it will work great.

I plan on building another Version, but it will take around a Month, hopefully this will support 24V directly from the Motor again.

The Software also advanced quite a bit in the past weeks so the PCBs will be preflashed and the WIFI Connection and MQTT can be set over a Webbrowser (ESP opens a Wifi you can connect to).

  • Based on ESP32-S3 WROOM-1 MCU
  • Integrated PSU (only 5V working, needs USB Power)
  • RJ12 Plug for Cable (Cable included)
  • Soldered RS485 Module
  • 3V3 LED as well as 4 IO LEDs
  • 4 Ports for Sensors (details see below)
  • Serial Header and 4 other GPIOs
  • only 55x55mm PCB size

Ports for Sensors incl. Pinout looking at front of PCB:

EXP1 (BMP280 optimized): 3V3 - GND - IO - IO
EXP2: GND - IO - IO - 3V3

A Complete and tested PCB will be 30€ without shipping, so a bit cheaper because it isn’t perfect. Shipping only inside the EU, just send me a PN, still got a few PCBs left after finishing preorders.

I will send out the PCBs on Saturday the 12th if you Order until the 11th 23:00 UTC, after that there will be a 2 Week waiting time due to my Summer Vacation :slight_smile:


Hi, just wanted to share. I got mine and it works perfectly. I had trouble to get it connected but then seen a previous comment here about activating the bus scan (number 8 switch) in the horman (romantic 4) panel .

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