Hörmann garage door via MQTT

Is there any documentation on the wiring of the individual modules on the PCB? I’m lucky enough to have the parts at home and I could do a test setup.

did you check this section

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yes, it seems that after 5min or so the board goes into “sleep mode”. it seems it is triggered from the supramatic as if the bus is not getting power from the supramatic. I will tryp to keep the board powered via USB C while connected to the supramatic.
I haven’t configured the MQTT as of yet so I am just using the WebUI

do you get an error code on the motor 4 or 7. Can be that the board restart as it constantly try to connect to mqtt. Tyson or gifford’s Firmware need an mqtt connection or it will always try to re-connect.
Maybe Esphome port can work just add the web_server component for browser UI and remove the API component if you don’t use the integration otherwise il will also restart after 15 minutes causing an error on the motor.

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My first idea would be a MQTT Server issue maybe, feel free to send me an email to [email protected] :slight_smile:

Thanks all, indeed the MQTT server not being setup was the issue. now it works stable.

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Prolift 700 says in the tag, near the serial number. I think that it is going to be the old 700, because in a tag on the other side is written: Germany 2020 :sweat_smile:

As a newbie…
I have an WA 300 S4. If I connect the PCB board with the RJ12, do I have to disconnect the device from the current beforehand, or can this happen while the WA 300 S4 is running?

Try and if it didn’t work unplug the power wait 10 Seconds and plug it in again.

Hi friends, does anyone know of a solution for the Hörmann RollMatic motors please?

Hi all,

I have three garage door operators (SupraMatic S or K, I forget), which are quite old (20-30yrs). Is there a known solution to use esphome for these?


you can use a relay to to trigger between pin 1 and 2 to get the impulse for opening / stoping / closing the door.

Maybe you can add a photo sensor to get the status of the door (if open or closed) else you need to add a couple of reed sensors.
check also some more details here

looks like a rollmatic serie 1 therefore I only see the relay and reed sensor solution. Rollmatic II the uap should be working but there are ongoing investigation to get it working.

Thanks for replying. Yes it seems the only option. I’m already using a relay and I have a reed switch to tell me the door is closed. I would love to find a way to emulate a cover control so I can issue open or close commands based on the door status. Is there a way I can do that? Thanks!

I’ve solved the problem with Lineamatic.
I found that Hörmann doesn’t use pullup resistors in ese-868-bs on the bus after SP485EE, they have no one resistor at all. I removed R4, R5 and R6 from Stephan’s board.
Now it works well with both Supramatic E3 and Lineamatic!

Is a relay the only option? I have a remote for my opener (SupraMatic S after checking) which communicates with a DEA12, which in turn is plugged into the rightmost port. Is there a way to use the second port for HA?

I was thinking about connecting an ESP between the DEA12 and the opener to sniff the commands it is sending. Is there any documentation on the pinout of the connector on the opener?

Check the user manual of the dea12 it’s looking that there is no “communication” between the dea and the motor. The dea just act as relay shorting ground to wh to trigger the impulse.

I misplaced my instructions some time ago and can’t find them online, but I’m fairly certain that the ones you have are not the one for my unit. My DEA 12 is plugged in to the rightmost RJ12(?) port and not to the screw terminals AFAICT.


I think it’s just an other terminal. It will also fit with the symbols on it. I think the RJ12 has 4 cables gnd, power, impulse and Light barrier sensor.
Maybe check the color of the cable if hörmann get consistant you should have brown white and green. between brown and green there should be 24v.