Hörmann garage door via MQTT

@Tysonpower, I just ordered a RS485 Bridge for my Promatic 4. The new garage door will be installed soon, so with this item I can controle my door via Home Assistant en HomeKit!
2 question:

  • Is there any difference between the standard firmware (MQTT) or ESPHome? Or do they have provide the same information to HA?
  • When I check you GitHub I see the sensor BME280 5V on the picture, but the power support will be 3.3V, I guess. The 3.3V version looks different; it has 6 pins instead of 4

Really looking forward to the Bridge and more, the way how to controle my garage door :slight_smile:

Functional improvement in esphome as far as I know are

  • Binary sensor for the option Relay of the UAP HCP
  • The light is implemented as light instead of a switch
  • A button for the impulse function.
  • Half and Vent are available as button or switch depending your preference.
  • the vent position is not anymore determined by an hardcoded 4% value but by the status sent by the motor.

By the way you can also integrate your esphome device with MQTT just add the component. Esphome is a framework to create your firmware where you can combine the components you need. So if you want to use an CO2 sensor instead you just can add a component and build your custom firmware. This component approach is the main advantage. As dev you don’t have to care about network, hardware, sensor, mqtt, … , implementations. Just focus on the main functionality emulating the UAP HCP. As user you can adjust your firmware based on your hardware and needs.

The BME280 exist also in 3.3v variant. Tyson’s board have only 3.3v on board.

@14yannick Thanks, so can I conclude that ESPhome brings you more functionality?

And regarding de BME280. The 3v3 version has 6 pins and does not fit to the board. The 5V version has 4 pins, as shown on the picture on the GitHub

Esphome yes there are some more functionality. Esphome looks a bit odd when you start as you have to create a Yaml to compile your firmware but you can just combine it with other esphome component, automation,…
For the board maybe @Tysonpower has added a 5v rail in the newer board revision or the 5v sensor works also on 3.3v. The 6 pin sensor will fit as you only need vcc, gnd, SCL and SDA