Hörmann garage door via MQTT

@ vladimirzrnic Thanks for your efforts but the file seems to be deleted. I have send you a private message in hope to receive it via email. :slight_smile:

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try again now, I managed to download. (via google drive)

I have the ESP32 and LM2596S already here so thats no problems.

But what is the “TTL to RS485”? I cannot see where it is on the board.
Also what is the 6 pin socket on the board?

I sent off my order for the PCB today :slight_smile:

This is a module that allows the TTL interface of the microcontroller to be transferred to the RS485 module.

TTL-RS485 should be installed under ESP32.


Regarding the pinout, see my previous post.:arrow_up_small::arrow_up_small::arrow_up_small:

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Can this be used with the Supramatic E3, is it just a matter of requiring the connector? Its much simpler than the other solution!

Perfect thanks so much, I thought something was hiding :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Great project. It would be great if there was a thread that gave some kind of step by step instructions.

I would also like to do this, but somehow I do not quite understand where to start , and what I actually need everything.

Maybe there is a way to do that?

I would definitely be very grateful

@fisch55 you need Hormann Supramatic 4 or Promatic 4 (4 series is needed). I mean - @Dr.Pat 's code is for that. I onlt have experience with this model. Do you have any of that?

Currently running this via raspberrymatic Ip .but would love to switch to the mqtt story. Got the Supramatic4 !

@fisch55 you need 3 HW pieces. This is what I used:

Stepdown module for converting 25V (from hormann) to 5V (for ESP)

And I used this RS485 module as it has built in 120Ohm resistor (you need to solder 2 pins together to use it)

Rest is just soldering those pieces together according to schematics and upload Dr.Pat’s code with adjusted MQTT details.
I am using for some statuses also device that gets autodiscovered, but due to (I believe) limitation about state/position reporting, when I open gate, and stop it before it opens fully, then this device does not let me close it, arrow down is greyed out. So I templated MQTT cover that does not have this “limitation” as it works based on position value (0-100), but this does not have state (opening, closing, unknown) and I can’t template it as target position is not being published in MQTT (only on web, for which you would need to poll regularly).
So for opening/closing status, I use autodiscovered device. But for operating the gate, I use templated MQTT cover (see above posts).
I am using device that

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Cool , THX a lot for these informations!!!

And this….right?! The only part I can’t find ist the socket !


Actually I Got this

which rj12 socket should I use?

So - you already have HAP 1 module. This project here emulates it without need to actually have it.
Regarding the soldering and socket - it is really up to you how you put it together. I don’t have the board for instance, I directly lead those 6 wires from RJ12 to where it needs to go.

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ok thx!

What is the difference between Dr.Pats code and @tsaG1337 esphome variant?
@tsaG1337 do not use the mqtt , right?

The PCB design was done with Molex C240856 but I am sure you can find a compatible one in your local shop. When I started to assemble the whole thing, I couldn’t find a Molex socket, so I bought a replacement. When the PCBs arrive, you can try to make sure it fits. Please note you can use a straight or angled socket


ok thx, i ordered everything I need…

and for the esp I should use this , right? Sorry for all the questions… It’s the first time do handle with esp…

I am using code by @Dr.Pat but I am experiencing strange behavior. Whenever I restart ESP in webui, or power-cycle the Hormann gate, gate is triggered (so it opens if closed, or closes if opened). Anyone would have an idea?

Ok , that’s a little bad.

After Power failure , garage door open ?!

That is what happens to me. I have Supramatic P4

This is not good. Does anyone have any idea what this could be? I mean that is an important thing that this does not happen.