Hörmann garage door via MQTT

Same here ….

ESP is working… but no chance to detect it.

Am I’m right, that I only need 4 Cables from the rj12 ?

You can use 4 wires with RJ11 however you may damage pins 1 and 6 on the RJ12 socket.

Your comments led me to check the PCB design - I noticed that the TX and RX pins on the TTL side were swapped. Try to cut lines and resolder them with jumper wires or swap A+ and B- on the RJ12 patch cable.

Updated Gerber files:

Ok, I swapped A+ with B- on the Cable… Same issue like before…

Looking at RS485 module, maybe you could ditch external resistor and solder together R13 which is built in 120Ohm resistor on TTL to RS485 module?
Also, on mine, RX/TX PINs were swapped, so I reversed pins 16 and 17. That was the only thing I changed. But I don’t use board, just cables. That is something you can try as well. Use cables and solder things together (or breadboard). Makes it easy to swap pins here and there.

Thx !!! As I saw, on esp no connection to RX TX pin on the board … maybe that is Problem?

The lines goes to 16 17 on esp….

Damn it! I think I found my problem.
Not only are RX/TX PINs on @vladimirzrnic original PCB board swapped, the ESP32 module I am using has the RX/TX pins on a complete different position. :crazy_face:

Yes same here…. Completely wrong board ordered :see_no_evil::joy::joy:.

Isn’t is possible to swap the RX and TX Pins within the code? I should somehow be able to define the correct pins within the code.

Life could be soooo easy… :rofl: :rofl:

it is right there in the configuration.h file

// Serial port
#define RS485 Serial2
#define PIN_TXD 17 // UART 2 TXT - G17
#define PIN_RXD 16 // UART 2 RXD - G16

Still, you can just solder things together and put it in nice box. Any would do

Does it work for you?

Do I have to cut the lines 16/17 on the board …
Could you show me… how did you solve it.

I will test it later today

Ok , I put the wires from 16/17 to rx tx pins on esp. does not work…

Got it…. Works like a charm. Cut lines 16/17 on board … put wire TX Tor 17, RX16 :pray::pray::pray:

THX 2 all for helping and the project.

2 Questions…

  1. is ist possible to secure the webpage ?
  2. is there possibility to online update the ESP? see the lines in config
//OTA Update
const char* OTA_USERNAME = "xxx";
const char* OTA_PASSWD = "xxx";

Bildschirmfoto 2023-03-24 um 16.56.01

Sorry to bother but it was a long working day. What do you mean with “you cut the lines 16/17 on the board”? how did you cut them? Then you replaced the lines (what lines) with actual wires?

I separated the copper tracks with a screwdriver. Then soldered on two new wires. Green and blue. That was it…

Perfect! Thank you!

For OTA, it says it on github:


Could you do me a favor, as all is connected and working, unplug the gate from electricity and plug it back in. Does your gate trigger? And confirm what model you have?
Mine ia definitely not esp related, I have tried other ESP and it still triggers. I suspect it may be related to some checks if–>then that are not present after boot yet…

I am just about to start getting mine wired up.

so are we cutting the tracks or switching in code?