How did you install Home Assistant?

That I have agreed on in the past. Showing things like git revision or date last changed is doable and would be helpful.

How do we implement this? Where can I file that suggestion on github? Would it be an architecture issue?

Feature requests go into the forums here, we have a feature request section :+1:

There is Microsoft Office and there is MacOs Office. They both have the same intention but they look and feel different.

Why can’t we have Raspberry Pi HA, Docker HA, MacOS HA, etc?
Does this help? maybe. If we split up documentation/forum

Looking for Supervisor? It’s default on Raspberry PI HA and it is absent on others (these lines are just an example)

So in a forum the topic starts with the version;
RPHA: installing HACS
DHA; how to operate Sonoff
MHA; where are my backups?

You see, once we all get yoused to this it is clear where to search for things
There could also be a GHA (General Home Assistant) category
GHA: I installed RPHA and MHA yet both installations end up with different results (lovelace and yaml wise) <- this one in fact is true.

It is just an idea…


In case you missed it in the fray…

Because installing hacs is the same on any version, as is using sonoff.

I used it as an example

ALLHA - installing HACS

Simple ‘solution’

Why do I see this kind of request so often?
No thread should ever be closed because someone decides it is no longer useful.
(Note careful restraint, so as not to use any emphasis - I have no idea now when it is appropriate)


If you don’t like where this conversation is going simply stop reading it. But if you wanna close it just go ahead. It will simply make my point even more clear.

That would be 9O% of the post. Once home assistant is installed, for configuration, creating automation s etc there is little difference. It is mostly with errors we have to ask “how did you install HA”?

You’ve got a great point here. In the other hand; it doesn’t cause pain to put your installation method in a post either.
But I will leave this topic and continue my configuration adventures
All the best

I can’t vote…

Home Assistant Supervised here.

Why not leave the poll open if you want a larger sample?
