How did you install Home Assistant?

They collect it with updater. Except it didn’t distinguish the underlying OS but my understanding is that the revised version will (user will also see it in System Health). It’s currently visible in Supervisor’s System view but Frenck said that wasn’t picked up by updater.

Yep. 0.110.0b4 here

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It’s good to know that they are now at least trying to gather some data on this.

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Keep updater alive to ensure your vote is counted. I normally have it disabled but will enable it in 0.110.

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I have had it enabled for 3 years.

I used to have it enabled but it never seemed to work for my install in Docker and caused a bunch of errors in the logs so I disabled it.

I’ll give it a try again.

Yes. I believe they had a blind spot for Supervised and so were probably surprised by the volume of discontent with the deprecation announcement.

The old saw holds true: You can’t manage what you can’t measure.

Now they will be measuring it.

Updater is part of default_config:, so most people will be running it I think. Not everyone changes out default_config: for the individual components it contains.

Same here. There was a long-standing open issue about updater and I gave up on it. However, it was eventually resolved. I ran it recently, for awhile, and saw no errors in the log.

You’re probably right. I just happen to know, via a recent Feature Request thread, that David doesn’t use default_config (nor do I) so that’s why I mentioned enabling updater to him (and learned he already has it enabled).

actually I do use default_config despite that drawback… I switched about 6 months ago I think.

Jesus H Christ, another pointless thread. It should not have accepted posts, just votes. I see the same people, many of whom I have respect for, or would call ‘friends’ in that internetty kinda way, all arguing the same s**t that was in the Deprecation thread.

Rant over.

Well then thank you for your support in that Feature Request thread, even though you don’t have a vested interest in it. I appreciate it (as does the request’s author, undoubtedly).

I have asked before in other threads to have that ignore option for default_config. I’d exclude cloud in a heartbeat if I could. It’s just more convenient sucking it up and not having to monitor the changes in default_config.

Last time I looked it up, I was surprised how much had been added to default_config!

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@finity I am amazed how many more votes have been added today…more than doubled since this morning and yet the percentages of install type has remained much the same…I would start to call that an accurate reflection of the situation I think?

I guess it’s to be expected that there will be more votes on the weekend since most “normal” people are busy during the week and don’t spend as much time on here as me… :wink:

I do think the results are at least interesting if not definitive.

I’d like to see how the numbers compare between the poll and from the new data collection efforts using the updater integration.

Guessing 0.110 should be here shortly.

Thursday our time Nick

Yep it usually arrives early morning here. Always scary upgrading before work, in case it doesn’t work and I come home to a cold dark house. However working from home means I can do HA all day.

Well not all day.