How do I back everything up? SOLVED

I always do a wipe and restore. It will restore the older hassio as well I have seen in the past.

Thanks for the reply.

Yes it is. If you didn’t do any modification to standard db, then it’s a sqlite db: a text file.
Sqlite is fascinating!

@arretx, I am new to HA, I managed to backup file, but the new version of Hassio didn’t have a folder named backup, the whole config folder file lists are:

So where should I place the backup file in this case? Thanks

You can find a backup solution here:
The instructions are in german language

I still can’t figure out how to take a snapshot. I’m running home assistant from the docker image, is the snapshot option available when running from the docker image? Does anyone know how to do a backup/restore when running in this configuration? I assumed I should just be able to take a copy of the /config directory, but that does not seem to work…

Important information! Well, for me at least.

Took me a while to figure it out. The path of the backup folder that everyone keep mentioning is:


Funny. The refresh button in the right corner is now working like a charm… :rofl:

Hello! I don’t have HASSIO because I run Home Assistant on my Android. (btw is there to put hassio on android?).

How can I backup? Should I just make a copy of my .homeassistant folder? Is that enough for backing up everything?

Instead of creating a new topic I thought I’ll jump in here: I want to download a snapshot but the download does not start. When I click on “download” it only highlights it. I am using the Android app or the Android browser.

It seems here there is a lot of info about restoring backups. Only one question:

  • If I have a backup for a 32 bit Hassio install… can I restore it into a 64 bit Hassio install?

If it’s a snapshot it won’t care if it’s 32 restored to 64 (or vice versa)

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I’m interested in the same thing. I dont use Hassio… did you manage to get it done somehow?


Just tried a snapshot. Opened the tar file and didn’t see my custom_components.

I have the same issue. Homeassistant is running in a virtual environment on my Raspi. Snapshot is not available. How I’m able to do a backup to transfer i.e. to a new system? Just enough to transfer the .homeassistant directory?


Hi guys,

is the Home Assistant OS backup/restore process hardware related? I mean, I want to replace my RPI 3B+ by a RPI4B+. If I take a snapshot on the PI3 and I install HA OS specific for the RPI4B+, could I restore HA using the 3B+ img file on the 4B? I guess I can, but I’m not sure if it could create any instability on the new hardware. Could you help on this, please?

Thanks in advance!

I would add to question above: does snapshot backs up network settings?

running I VM I just suspend the VM and make a copy of the drive file or use the VBox Snapshot.

i wonder if this component will back up things configured using integration rather than configuration.yaml. I just looked at full snapshot and cant see anything related to integration in there.

I cloned my complete HassOS installation to SSD with a Snapshot and everything was available like before.

hey @carsten_h did you just use snapshot add on to do this?
Did you have integrations configured in UI rather than in configuration file? I wonder if they were safely restored as well?