How do I change "nebula" color on Tuya Star Projector?

My kids have Tuya-based star projectors that they love dearly. I want them to be able to change the color of the nebula (there’s “multicolor”, “green”, “red”, “blue” and “off” available) via an Aqara Mini Switch. You can apparently only change the brightness of the laser-projected star field by default though. Has anyone succeeded with what I’m trying to achieve?

Have you been able to solve the problem yet?

I haven’t. What’s even more bizarre is that I have two of the star projectors now and on one, brightness settings apply to the star field and on the other to the nebula. Might’ve been different manufacturers, but I’m not sure in hindsight.

Apologies for the late reply!

Hi , any updates here? i was trying to setup using the localtuya, seem they are 3 lights , i want to embed them all into 1 light entity, as a more info option
is that possible?

GitHub - seydx/homebridge-star-projector: Homebridge plugin for controlling tuya/smartlife based star projectors

I found this but I’m still new to HA when it comes to how to initiate a new integration. Just wanted to share this for the moment.

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This great but how we install it to HA?

I have set up mine according to this settings with local tuya:

Changing the colors of the “light” makes the nebula shine in red, blue or green (or multicolor if selected an other color) and brightness lowers or raises the stars (and it it exposed to only 1 entitiy)

Hey guys, also have a smart star, did a debug on the device itself, and found these DP’ values
@ariel , this can maybe helfpull for finding out the motor?

group: ""   device: "Smart Star"   devDPS: "{
  '20': false,
  '21': 'white',
  '22': 800,
  '24': '012c00000320',
  '25': '04464602007803e803e800000000464602007803e8000a00000000',
  '26': 0,
  '101': 1000,
  '102': false,
  '103': false
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Big news: There’s now a solution available to flash ESPHome on the original microcontroller that comes with the Star Projector which even doesn’t require to open the device (!). Everything works via direct WiFi connection between your computer and the Star Projector (the projector provides a WiFi access point). So no more replacement of the original microcontroller requiring soldering, this is the most convenient jailbreak one can think of.

I found only two minor issues at the moment (minor because they can both be addressed via Home Assistant automations for instance):

  • With unchanged settings after turning on the projector it turns off itself automatically after about one hour. I just started to investigate this by e.g. testing if it makes a difference if I leave the motor off.
  • When you turn the device on using the main switch it doesn’t remember the last state of lights/laser/motor when it was on before.

I immediately bought a second device after I had successfully flashed the first one. Both devices show the same behaviour described above.

This is how this jailbreak miracle looks like in HA:

And you’ll find all the magic here: GitHub - M4GNV5/esphome-SK20-Nebula-Light: Custom firmware flash instructions and esphome config for Tuya SK20 nebula light (no disassembly / soldering required!)