I have 2 ESP8266 relay modules that I was hoping to use to open/close my garage door and open/close my front gates. Each module has a STM8S103F mpu to control each of the 2 relays in response to commands from the ESP8266.
To turn relay 1 ON, the ESP8266 must output the hex sequence “A0 01 01 A2” from GPIO1 (Tx).
To turn relay 1 OFF, the ESP8266 must output the hex sequence “A0 01 00 A1” from GPIO1 (Tx).
Could someone guide me as to what I need to add to the xxxxx.yaml file in ESPHome to enable me to output those hex sequences and thus control that relay?
I am new to all this ESPHome stuff and I have looked through all the ESPHome documentation, but could not find anything that looked relevant …
Thanks in anticipation.