How do I switch to Zwave JS?

25devices about 200 entities
There are less entities compared to zwave 1,4
The most time was to find out the Remtotec handling

:see_no_evil: 25 2.5 hours = 100 devices 10 hours :thermometer:

To change entity names itself took about 1 hour
The most time your busy installing the new application and wake up all devices to be added to zwave JS

Not when you use the zwave js add-on.

if you use the zwavejs2mqtt add-on there is a control panel included in that.

Do I need to reinstall all again then?

You can move the cache files from Zwave JS to ZwaveJS2MQTT and HA won’t know the difference. This is not an easy feat if you are unexperienced managing files in HassOS or Supervised.

I’m really not sure what will happen if you switch between the two add-ons.

I would say that “theoretically” they use the same zwave js server so all of the entities would come over the same and so you might get way without needing to rename everything again.

But I don’t know what actually handles the naming si it might be totally different between the two.

It’s not. It should work without a hitch as long as you move the cache files from one container to the other.

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Thanks. Where to find these cache files?

They are buried in the files unavailable to users. Are you running HassOS or Supervised or Container?

I do run a Supervised VM under unraid

yeah, I saw we cross-posted.

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This guy found them

The homeid will be unique to your system. So you’re looking for a file with your homeid.

mmmm looks to difficult for me.
I started the app but it only shows Id nr, no names

A pitty I didn’t find out earlier

I hope in the near future there will be some extra futures added to zwave JS also.
Or maybe there will be an automatic migration from Js to JsMQTT in the near future

Now at this moment I’m not willing to change again :relaxed:

If you look at the road map, you’ll notice all the gaps plan to be filled.

where to find this roadmap?

Because I do realize at the moment I’m not able to change parameters in the current Zwave JS

It’s linked in the blog post for this release

Thanks again!

It shows indeed that there will be GUI adds for node settings.
So I do have to wait a little :innocent:

I do see on regular base the next errors in the zwave JS log:

20:41:20.007 CNTRLR   Failed to execute controller command after 1/3 attempts. Scheduling next try i
                      n 100 ms.
20:44:34.048 CNTRLR   Failed to execute controller command after 1/3 attempts. Scheduling next try i
                      n 100 ms.
20:45:39.027 CNTRLR   Failed to execute controller command after 1/3 attempts. Scheduling next try i
                      n 100 ms.

As far I know the system is still running okay.
Any Idea?

Location of cache Z-Wave JS addon in the docker’s host folder:


And possible that the same folder within Z-Wave JS to MQTT addon:


No need to entering into the containers. They are container’s persistent storage.