Sorry for what will probably end up being a dumb question, but I’ve been having trouble finding documentation that’s up to date for my new setup.
I’m running a new install of 0.61.1.
I’m not entirely clear what version of AppDaemon I’m running. In the info box it says “Beta version of HADaemon” version 0.0.13. In the log it says “Starting version 3.2.2” then the next line of the log says “INFO AppDaemon Version 2.0.8 Starting”. So, there’s that.
I’m attempting to install a few custom widgets from this thread: New widgets: input slider(horizontal and vertical), input select and light with brightness
All documentation states that I should place the custom_widgets folder in the “conf” folder but I don’t have a conf folder.
My directory structure looks like:
I’ve tried placing the custom_widgets folder at both: /config/custom_widgets and at /config/hadaemon/custom_widgets but both throw the following error when I load the dashboard:
WARNING Unable to find widget type 'light_with_brightness'
WARNING Widget type not found: text
The dashboard works fine with widget type “light”, the particular widget instance is:
widget_type: light_with_brightness
entity: light.spa_string_lights
title: Spa Lights
icon_style_active: "color: yellow"
icon_on: mdi-lightbulb-on
icon_off: mdi-lightbulb
So…are custom widgets compatible with the version of AppDaemon I’m running? Am I, for some reason, running a version of AppDaemon I shouldn’t be running? Any thoughts on where that directory should go?
Edit: just for completeness, here’s what’s in my custom_widgets folder: