I had the same need to display electricity prices for the next 24 hours on a graph, And got a good, simple idea to solve that.
This is my approach:
I get the data from a rest service and save these to an array
I create a sensor to hold electricity price 24 hours from now
I have an automation that runs each hour and updates the sensor with the price 24 hours later, from the already cached values in my price arrays.
Then displaying the sensor on a normal history graph for 24 hours, will in fact show prices for the next 24 hours.
Idea summary: if you have an entity that holds the data value 24 hours from now, and make sure it is updated hourly, then displaying the entity on a history graph (or mini graph) for the past 24 hours, Will in fact show you normal data for the next 24 hours.
You can of course change from 24 hours (forecast period length) and how often it is updated (corresponding to how often It changes) to meet your needs