I want to have heating and cooling only - but problem is when i choose heating HA sends to my KLIC-DI interface a telegram with the payload 0 when it should have been 3 - and 1 for cooling when it should have been 9.
How can i change the payload HA sends via KNX for the different operation modes?
No, it is the standard Zennio Klic-DI interface - and that is how it expects to recieve its data. So if i cant change the payload, then it is hard to get working i would imagine?
Fax speed, swing etc - that is not supported directly in Climate right?
So what DPT is it expecting? You can look this up in ETS or the manual.
Fan things aren’t supported by knx climate entities. You’ll need to try to use a fan entity - could work. But I’m not even sure if their oscillation mode will fit your devices requirements.