Repeating that I cannot verify this as no I donot have HAOS
And… you HAVE to know the subnet of the router before you start setting static IP anyhow else it will continue to not work if you set it to 192.168.1 and subnet is 0
Is the router IP dynamic or static; i.e. did it get its ip from the main router (i am just guessing this router is connected to your internat:wan router)?
If it received the IP from the main router then I woul not chnage it but try to set the HA address to match the 68…since you now have access to the HA machine you can try untill it works imho
Yes the router is connected to the modem and thats how it gets its internet wan.
I have been trying to change the HA ip address to match my routers. But then you asked to change the subnet as I will have to change that anyway to change HAs ip address.
The problem now is I get stuck at step 4 of the link you set.
A much easier solution would be to simply factory reset it, but i cant find answers on that, so im trying the ip address
Assuming you did not change the router …Try this after you connected to supervisor
nmcli> set ipv4.addresses
Probqby you need to restart the machine then
I found this to restart from scratch…
If you can rename the config folder, then restart … then you could afterwards copy bits and pieces back…repeating again that I have no experience so donot kill the messenger
I read in other posts that it may reauire a cabled connection Hard reset - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (
Managed to fix it guys.
Changed the router subnet. Logged back into HA. And set the new ip address.
In conclusion: when switching routers or network providers. Change the HA ip from static to dhcp. This way the the new router will be able to recognise the HA server.
Have a look at DHCP reservations in your router…
In that way you can leave everything on dhcp, but still they wil always get the same IP.
The big advantage is, it is managed in one place, no need to configure devices individually.
(and keep a backup of this list, just in case you get a new router )