I want to change the style of my switch from two buttons on and off shown on the bottom to slider switch or the single button toggle switch does anyone know how to do that?
You need to add switch state feedback.
What sort of switch is it?
If there is no feedback available from the switch you can set optimistic: true
for mqtt switches but the state of the switch in the front end may get out of sync with the physical switch if it can be controlled by some method other than home assistant.
Try this in configuration.yaml
assumed_state: false
So you want the 2 buttons to become one?
Make a group, or make a third switch that runs those 2. You’re over thinking this.
He doesn’t like the 2 flash symbols for the light is how I read it in which case my solution will give him a slider switch.
He has another thread this conversation came from.
I was assuming he was trying to combine them.
If he would use a switch it would work just fine.
Thanks for your input guys. I am implementing an MQTT switch which turns on a group of Insteon switches from Openhab (Insteon scene doesn’t work well in HA yet).
Here I am solely concerned about the cosmetics of the buttons on the lovelace. I want the front yard to look master closet light (slider switch). assumed_state: false
didn’t work nor setting the optimistic: true.
Any other ideas?
I have it like this in my config:
customize: !include customize.yaml
- '/config/tmp'
- platform: mqtt
name: "Front Yard"
command_topic: "light/group/fy"
assumed_state: false
however, check config spits out this error:
expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data[‘customize_domain’][‘light’]
All I can say is that this mqtt switch works 100% for me without changing any customization:
- platform: mqtt
name: 'Poo Button'
command_topic: 'homeassistant/switch/poo_btn/cmd'
state_topic: 'homeassistant/switch/poo_btn/state'
payload_on: 'on'
payload_off: 'off'
retain: true
- platform: mqtt
name: "Front Yard"
command_topic: "light/group/fy"
optimistic: true
retain: true
This is how I have it, but still shows as two button switch like how it is on the the picture I posted.
I never said to include all that other stuff in the customize domain. Just try it like I posted.
Nice it worked like charm
Yeah it works for me too lol… I was pretty sure that was what you wanted.
Thank you so much david
@DavidFW1960 how about going the opposite way? I want the 2 icons instead of the sliding switch. Thank you.
Remove your state topic (and template if there is one).
An old topic I know however I couldn’t get any of the options working for me.
I want to see the slider switch (per the below image), instead I’m seeing the two icons.
My configuration is as follows:
Lovelace Card
- type: entities
title: NFT System
entities:- entity: switch.greenhouse_isolate_nft
icon: mdi:pipe-valve
name: Isolate Auto Top Up
- entity: switch.greenhouse_isolate_nft
name: Notify when someone arrives home
icon: mdi:car
name: Greenhouse Isolate NFT
- platform: template
friendly_name: NFT Isolated
service: input_boolean.turn_on
entity_id: input_boolean.greenhouse_isolate_nft
service: input_boolean.turn_off
entity_id: input_boolean.greenhouse_isolate_nft
Please format your pasted configuration correctly. See point 11 here: Help us help you
Your switch does not have a value_template to determine what state the switch is in.
You could add this to the switch config:
value_template: "{{ is_state('input_boolean.greenhouse_isolate_nft', 'on') }}"
But this seems kind of pointless. Why are you duplicating an input boolean as a switch?
I’m running Home Assistant Core 2023.5.4 on a Raspberry Pi. Before posting, I have read different contents and related community topics and run different tests and still cannot get the switch to replace to two lightnings for my RF switch to ligh the bulb on or off:
As I am in Core this is my setting:
# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.
# Load frontend themes from the themes folder
themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes
# Text to speech
- platform: google_translate
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
customize: !include customize.yaml
- name: bulb
unique_id: myuniquebulbid_1
state_topic: "home/OMG_ESP8266_RF/MQTTto433"
command_topic: "home/OMG_ESP8266_RF/commands/MQTTto433"
value_template: '{{ value_json.value}}'
payload_on: '{"value":1111}'
payload_off: '{"value":0000}'
state_on: 1111
state_off: 0000
qos: "0"
retain: true
device_class: switch
customize.yaml (only two lines)
assumed.state: false
And this is how it looks:
I must be missing something, but I do not know what else to try at this point so any feedback is appreciated.