How to change Z-Wave parametes for an Aeotec Dual Nano Switch?

How on earth do I change the parameters of an Aeotec Dual Nano Switch?

I’m trying to achive extactly this from this thread:

However, I can’t for the life of me figure out how to change the parameters as seen in the manual here:

I’m using an Aeotec Smart Home Hub as my Z-Wave antenna connected to my Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi 4.

The Aeotec smart home hub connected to SmartThings?

Correct I’m running Smartthings which then intergrates with Home Assistant.

In that case you manage your devices in SmartThings. SmartThings abstracts most of this f om end users. To see the parameters You will need to find an edge driver that exposes the ZWave parameters in question. Search the SmartThings community site ( for information about if an edge driver that supports what you want exists…

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In your opinion would it be best if I simply purchase a Z-Wave stick for my Home Assistant and connect my Nano Switches directly?

100% yes…

The SmartThings integration for HA is a cloud integration. That means when using SmartThings as your ZWave hub every call you make from HA does this:

HA > Internet > SmartThings Cloud > Internet > Your SmartThings Hub > ZWave network > ZWave Device (acknowledgement) > ZWave Network > ST Hub > Internet > ST Cloud > Internet > Your HA install

All of those internet hops add perceptible and uncontrollable lag…