How to connect to Nibe heat pump without the cloud

Hello, i got an ESP32 + RS485 working with my Nibe (VVM310) and the heatpump ist not going into an error. So i guess this part is doing well…
Now i tried to install the new HA Nibe Heat Pump Integration, but i am not sure what to put in “Remote-IP-Adress” and the 3 Ports (local, remote read, remote write).
Thanks in advance

The remote ip address is the ip address of the ESP device. It sadly need the IP, you can’t use it’s dns name at the moment. I should fix that.

The local port should match the target port that you set in your esp config (default value of 9999), example config previously had 10090. The remote read, should match the read_port in esp config (default value of 9999), the remote write should match write_port (default value of 10000)

Hi, not sure if this helps the discussion, but I’ve been able to build a few simple scripts building on top of the Modbus integration. So, not only I create sensors to read the different values from directly from the registers, also I can write back. For instance I use the script below to dynamically adjust the Heating Curve (eg. based on solar panel production).

Hope it helps…

alias: Nibe_heating_curve
    name: curve
    description: Heating Curve
    default: 10
    example: 10
    name: min_temp
    description: Heat curve Minimum Temperature
    default: 350
    example: 350
    name: max_temp
    description: Heat curve Maximum Temperature
    default: 550
    example: 550
    description: Heat Curve offset
    default: 0
    example: 0
  - service: modbus.write_register
      address: 34
      slave: 1
      value: "{{ min_temp }}"
      hub: NIBEF2120
  - service: modbus.write_register
      address: 38
      slave: 1
      value: "{{ max_temp }}"
      hub: NIBEF2120
  - service: modbus.write_register
      address: 30
      slave: 1
      value: "{{ offset }}"
      hub: NIBEF2120
  - service: modbus.write_register
      address: 26
      slave: 1
      value: "{{ curve }}"
      hub: NIBEF2120
mode: single

Thanks a lot. I got Nibe Heat Pump installed.
It shows up with 865 Entities, but they are all hidden and not available?

You need to enable the entities you want to see. At the moment there is no default set.

Thank you, I could have thought of that myself :grinning:
Working great now!

Here are the modbus registers from a S 1255 PC (also Modbus PV Solar activated and ERS 10-400 installed)
for now only in german

@Gravity could be useful, don’t think anybody had solar before, but i need it in csv and english.

Soo… If there is anybody here that has some python/ha experience and could review my pull request i’d be much obliged. It’s a slow going getting stuff in at the moment since there is a lack of reviewers."integration%3A+nibe_heatpump"

I too have a S320 heat pump.

I have been looking for “Instantaneous used power - Used power with compressor and addition” with register 2166. According to the documentation this should be a common register for all S-series. - See:

However, when exporting all of my available registeres it is not there. Now I see from @birdman86 post that this is also missing from his S320.

Does anyone have some thoughts on this? Any luck from other S320 owners?

Hello. I tried to paste config from the top of this topis into configuration.yaml. I´m able to save but not able to restart. When I try to restart it shows:
The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Invalid config for [modbus]: [friendly_name] is an invalid option for [modbus]. Check: modbus->modbus->0->sensors->0->friendly_name.
I´m on BETA 2022.11.0b4. Please any idea?

Hello, please I have SMO S40 with AMS10-12. I have Connection to (, 502) failed: [Errno 111] Connection refused.
Modbus was turned ON on SMOS40. Any idea?

The plugin stopped working today at 07:00 am?
Nothing changed in configuration and the esp32 is still running fine…
Tried to reinstall the plugin but it reports a problem with either the remote ip-adress or the remote read-port.

Ports and ip-adress is correct.
Any ideas?

got it running again with changing the port of the target adress to 9999 (standard) at the esp32…

S series support was merged to home assistant today. So stay tuned for beta.


is there any news about the s series yet?

Did you even read last message?

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Following with interest.
Running a SMO20 and can’t see the modbus options, even with a drive inserted in to the USB to show the ‘7.x.x’ menu.

Can anyone confirm if the SMO 20 is compatible?

Whats the firmware version of your S320?

As far as i remember that register was added via firmware update about a year ago on my S1255.

I believe it to be version 2.14.8, does that sound right?

I update regularly so would expect it to be the latest.

Question, just installed the Lilygo Tcan, with the example config:

only changed the port to 9999

but if i want to add hem to home assistant it wont connect if i use the ip of the esp and than the ports 9999,9999 and 10000
but is get this fault:
Error on read request from pump. Verify your Remote read port or Remote IP address.
i tried f1145 and SMO40.
Or do i need to connect it first to the nide heat pump?