How to control white channel of RGBW bulb

I’ve got a few Monoprice RGB bulbs (Hank HKZW-RGB01) which have 5 LEDs red, green, blue, warm white, cool white. I can pair them with home assistant and I get the color wheel control in the UI which controls the RGB part with no problem. However, I can’t figure out how to turn on just the warm white LED for normal use.

Selecting the middle “white” part of the color wheel produces a really dingy shade of white, I believe it just turns all three RGB LEDs to the same level.

I’ve been poking around the zwave options and I don’t see a way to control this option at all. Although from the zwcfg_.xml it does look like the warm white option should be accessible through z-wave, I just don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve attached the relevant node information for this device from the zwcfg_.xml.

HKZW-RGB01 RGB bulb cfg.xml (12.5 KB)

Let me know if I can provide anything else that would be helpful. Thanks in advance!

If these were, or at least seen as, RGBW you’d get a panel like below. White is set using the color temperature slider which overrides the RGB settings when changed, although it’s not immediately obvious.

What type of device are you using for your table lamp? I’m trying to figure out why HA isn’t seeing this bulb as RGBW.

I tried using the light.turn_on service to manually set a color temperature with the “kelvin” variable but it doesn’t seem to do anything.

That one was from a Yeelight but it’s the same with the zigbee lights I have too.

If you go to dev_states it’ll show you what HA can see from your light and therefore what you can address, this is a zigbee Osram bulb…

Well this bulb is definitely missing the color temp options.

I guess my question now is why doesn’t HA see the white channel for this device. Is it a limitation with all zwave RGBW devices? In the config for this node it definitely looks like there should be options to turn on the cool white and warm white channels.

Thanks for your help so far, Bobby.

I haven’t made any progress with HA but it did find that I can control the white correctly from Open Zwave Control Panel.

When I change the color to #000000FF00 it turns the bulb to warm white.

Is there anyway I can do this from within HA?

I have the same problem with Zipato bulb 2, can not change color any more after update to 0.83:

I do not have Open zwave control panel, just the zwave integration in hassio.
I can only do on/off and brightness.

Aeotec ZWA002 LED Bulb 6 Multi-Color

Struggling to do the same. Can someone share openzwave XML configuration for a bulb where this works?

ZWA002.xml (12.3 KB)

@WALoeIII same problem, but developers wont hear it, they close my issues on github. Sad

I’ve found the issue and am working on a patch.

The assumption in zwave lights is that the RGBW is mixed, which is seems reasonable, but maybe not accurate today.

The refactoring that makes that take place is here, with a special work around for what I guess was the only bulb for which this was not the case at the time: The Aeotec ZW098.

I’m going to add on to this hack to get myself unstuck and any other manufacturer/product id combos I get from this thread.

The longer term fix is probably splitting out mixed rgbw and these independent white led bulbs into different components, I’m new to HA so I’m not sure the “right” way to do that refactoring yet. The hack is at least straight forward.

Thanks for looking into this! If you could add a work around for the Hank bulb I mentioned in the first post that would be awesome.

I also have a new z-wave LED strip controller which is also RGBW. I don’t know if it matters but it doesn’t have an open zwave config file yet. Here is the product:

I can get the exact manufacturer and model when I’m home later.

I added the hank bulb.

This is Home Assistant specific change. You’ll have to modify OpenZWave to get a configuration for your RGBgenie controller, after that Home Assistant should do the right thing.

Is there a way I can test this fix on Hassio? Or do I have to wait for it to get merged?

You can use my fork, but I don’t perform the magic that makes a custom hassio build. I built a docker image.

The PR has been merged, will probably ship in the next release.

Just to chip in; my Zwave FGRGBWM441 RGBW Controller behaves the same; within HA no colour temp within the main RGB+Brightness panel is shown and the only way to control the White LED Channel is to use the dedicated channel entity.

Be awesome to get this fixed.

WALoeIII now the slider appears under the light but again I cannot change the color to cold white.
I have the Aeotec ZWA001 LED Bulb 6 Multi-White.

Is this included in the fix?

I just tried my Fibaro FGRGBWM441 RGBW Controllers and it still isn’t working.

Only a few specific models were added with this patch. From the github:

AEOTEC_ZW098_LED_BULB_LIGHT = (0x86, 0x62)
AEOTEC_ZWA001_LED_BULB_LIGHT = (0x371, 0x1)
AEOTEC_ZWA002_LED_BULB_LIGHT = (0x371, 0x2)

Perhaps @WALoeIII would be willing to add more models if you leave them here but don’t expect them all to be working. This was more of a temporary improvement than a long term solution.

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I have the Aeotec ZWA001 LED and the fix does not work.