How to copy snapshots via ssh HA command line?

I suffered an SD card corruption on my Pi. My back-up image is too old to be useful and I hadn’t copied recent snapshots to a safe location. :man_facepalming:
I’ve managed to repair the SD card partially and the Pi boots, but the GUI only lets me see Lovelace, nothing else will load.

I can ssh via port 22 and I can see the snapshots in the backup folder. How do I copy them to somewhere safe? Available tools are macbook, PC, Synology NAS. I lack knowledge though!

It will take me days to rebuild from scratch. Can anyone help?

scp backup user@macname:~/

where backup is the name of your backup folder

Thanks @nickrout.

In the end, (luckily) I managed to mount the SD card on my mac and extracted the files.
For anyone else in the same situation:

Read this post which links to this blog.
You’ll be using Homebrew to install osxfuse and ext4fuse.