How to create a temperature ramp for cooking

Hi there,
I finally implemented the slowpwm PID following the great example of mcarter14777:

Now my wish is to automate a temperature ramp for increasing and decreasing temperature.
I have found only the light transition.
Is there a way (I am sure there are many) to create a program for the setpoint temperature, for instance: goes from ambient temperature to 65°C 1 deg/minute, stay there for 6 hours and then let it cool at 2°C/minute?

Best it would be if the program is editable before run from the frontend: increase and decrease ramp, stationary temperature, time for stationary temperature.

The code for the slowpwm PID, basically cut and paste from the mcarter14777.
It runs on an esp32 that drives directly a 50A SSR. The load is around 10A.

  name: pidslowpwm
  platform: ESP32
  board: esp-wrover-kit

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API

  password: "b8f1c9c3cf3b466ceea07e8afe4fad04"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Pidslowpwm Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "zpo00ha4Gyi6"


### Pull time from Home Assistant because everything needs a clock on it ###
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: my_time

  miso_pin: GPIO19
  mosi_pin: GPIO23
  clk_pin: GPIO18

### Switches for Setting and Getting PID Values in Home Assistant ###   
  - platform: template
    name: "PID Set"
          id: pid_climate
          kp: !lambda
              return id(p_coefficient).state;
          ki: !lambda
              return id(i_coefficient).state;
          kd: !lambda
              return id(d_coefficient).state;
  - platform: template
    name: "Get PID Values"
      - homeassistant.service:
          service: input_number.set_value
            entity_id: input_number.p_coefficient
            value: !lambda return id(kp).state;
      - homeassistant.service:
          service: input_number.set_value
            entity_id: input_number.i_coefficient
            value: !lambda return id(ki).state;
      - homeassistant.service:
          service: input_number.set_value
            entity_id: input_number.d_coefficient
            value: !lambda return id(kd).state;
### Switch to reset integral term for PID calculation ###
  - platform: template
    name: "Reset Integral"
      - pid_climate

### PID Loop ###
  - platform: pid
      min_temperature: 0 °C
      max_temperature: 350 °C
      temperature_step: 0.1 °C  
    id: pid_climate
    name: "FornelloPID"
    sensor: pt100
    default_target_temperature: 0°C
    heat_output: heater
      kp: 0.001
      ki: 0.00003
      kd: 0.1
      min_integral: 0
      max_integral: 0.5

### Slow PWM for PID Output ###
  - platform: slow_pwm
    pin: GPIO22
    id: heater
    period: 3s


### Sensors to Read PID information into Home Assistant ###
  - platform: pid
    name: "PID Result"
    type: RESULT
  - platform: pid
    name: "PID Integral Term"
    type: INTEGRAL
  - platform: pid
    name: "PID Derivative Term"
    type: DERIVATIVE
  - platform: pid
    name: "PID Proportional"
  - platform: pid
    name: "PID P Coefficient"
    id: kp
    type: KP
  - platform: pid
    name: "PID I Coefficient"
    id: ki
    type: KI
  - platform: pid
    name: "PID D Coefficient"
    id: kd
    type: KD
  - platform: pid
    name: "PID Output"
    type: HEAT
### Sensors to read input numbers for PID tuning in Home Assistant ###
  - platform: homeassistant
    name: "P Coefficient"
    entity_id: input_number.p_coefficient
    id: p_coefficient
  - platform: homeassistant
    name: "I Coefficient"
    entity_id: input_number.i_coefficient
    id: i_coefficient
  - platform: homeassistant
    name: "D Coefficient"
    entity_id: input_number.d_coefficient
    id: d_coefficient
  - platform: max31865
    name: "sondaPt100PID"
    id: pt100
    reference_resistance: 430 Ω
    rtd_nominal_resistance: 100 Ω
    rtd_wires: 3
    cs_pin: GPIO04

Cool project idea! Are you set on having ESPHome and Homeassistant integration? If not have you looked into all the projects there are out there for making a reflow oven controller from an ESP32? What you are building is effectively the same thing.

I did a few devices in esphome, trying K thermocouples, T ad RU sensor, CAM and so on. All at basic level.
Thanks for the idea. I will look for a “reflow oven controller”.