Hey everyone,
yesterday I got my radiator valve, and besides a few small questionmarks here and there, it mostly does what I want from it: I can switch it on and off via HA, can set the target temperature via dashboard (unfortunately not via automation), and I can use the temperature sensor for display purposes and automation conditions.
BUT: it seems that there are factory preset temperature schedules set, which are not exposed via the zigbee connection in HA.
Concrete: last night it first lowered my manually set target temperature (22 degrees) to 20, and then another 2 hours later or so to 16. After I set it back up to 22 this morning, 20 minutes ago it set itself down to 20 degrees again, EXACTLY 12 hours after the switch to 20 from last night. Interestingly enough at a weird random-looking time (13:17:40). My guess is that it has 16 set as standard night temperature, and 20 as standard day temperature.
From the original manual of the device I know it supports default schedules per weekday, which can be set via the orignal Tuya hub/gateway and app, which I don’t have and don’t want to buy.
Is there another way to manually remove these scheduled settings? Weird command-line zigbee commands? …? The valve is connected via Conbee 2 zigbee stick and integration.
As a side note: I know that the device has a “temperature drops too fast? probably a window open, let’s shut off” function which can also be switch off via the hub/app but is not exposed as a setting in HA as well. Ideally I would get rid of that too…
Thanks a lot in advance!