How to draw curve/ graph card with own values, not sensor values?

Hello all wizards!

I would like to draw a nice curve from a handful of values set by myself. The main goal is to draw nice step curve for heating/ cooling temperature set points. I can do it easy way just plotting them over image, but maybe there is some sneaky curve/ graph way doing it?

I have temperature set points like -10C,5C, 17C, 25C. All set points are in the helper variables.

Anyone using graphs in this way?


The idea of home assistant is to automate things so ‘manual’ is not really a target :slight_smile:
However, there are options…

  1. you could use a template to set the values, some examples exist when you search the net
  2. you can create a sensor for which you update the attributes manually (or via template) and the chart takes the data from there…this would be my personal preference
    e.g. for your case, you could have a list of date-attribute with 4 date/time values and temp-attribute with 4 temp values
    Look at apex-charts or plotly chart
    RomRider/apexcharts-card: :chart_with_upwards_trend: A Lovelace card to display advanced graphs and charts based on ApexChartsJS for Home Assistant (
    dbuezas/lovelace-plotly-graph-card: Highly customisable Lovelace card to display interactive graphs. Brings scrolling, zooming, and much more! (

Maybe also throw an eye on this one:
Input Number - Home Assistant (
This one allow you to change the value which will be registered as ‘state’ so you can also use it for history (depending on how long you keep de HA database data)

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@nikop, did you succeed, drawing your heat curve and do you have an example? I’m thinking about the same, but with the data from heat pump.

@sofa74surfer, no I did not succeed. As having so many other need to be better things in the system I left my quite badly designed only numbers/ sliders page alone . :smile:

I may (not THE expert) help… can you send me your data and expectation, example?

Thank you for helping out us @vingerha. I could use help in making simple 5 point graph which sets up corresponding helper variables a,b,c,d,e like -15,-5,5,17 and 25. How you have tackled this kind of variable setting through graphical way?

Simpler the better like

Assuming you to have only y-axis values… I had some challenges with them.
Apexcharts seem to demand a date/time for x-axis (I have not found one wihtout date/time), my workaround is to fake the date/time
Plotly has another option
Plot arbitrary data · Discussion #26 · dbuezas/lovelace-plotly-graph-card (

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for the heating curve, I have 6 values and the curve should be polynomic.

Heating Curve
Start 0 °C End
Outside Temperture 22 0 -20
Return Temperature 22 31.2 35

My result in excel is this one:

So… this is indeed where I (already) have to draw the line with me not being the expert.
Plotly had a nice option to draw arbitrary data but this no longer works, asked the dev to provide more input. Polynomic functions seem not available with either apex or plotly, so that seems a probable ‘no’

EDIT, not giving up yet but also donot want to raise hopes

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Yep, it’s kind of weird there is no ready-made solution to graph nice little graph with own given list of labels and values :slight_smile:. I really, really appreciate you helping us out @vingerha!

Small steps and might be getting there, the plotly dev was very fast with his response (thanks @mateine)
This should be enough of a basis to continue digging into plotly for formatting … and there are LOTS of formatting options :slight_smile:

It is not polynomic so maybe not what you want but you might look further now :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much @vingerha , I can work and go further with this. I will try to calculate more values between, to improve the curve. Thats great!

You can also add trendlines and make it show the formula. It’s inside Filters

Thank you so so so much @vingerha! I’m now happy camper as can use simple graph :smiley:

And for anyone looking code for solution, here it is:

type: custom:plotly-graph
hours_to_show: current_day
    type: number
    showlegend: false
    fixedrange: true
      - 0
      - 50
  - entity: ''
    x: [-20,0,20]
    y: [22,31,35]
      shape: spline
raw_plotly_config: true  

Also happy with my result … the right values, I first calculated with excel

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OK, I think I have good enough solution for my own case. I’m using picture elements and plotly, below the concept which I need to stylize.

But anyway, here’s my code for above:

type: picture-elements
title: ''
style: |
  ha-card { height: 150px !important;}
  - type: custom:plotly-graph
      top: 15%
      left: 50%
      width: 95%
      height: 90%
    hours_to_show: current_day
        type: text
        showlegend: false
        fixedrange: true
          - -20
          - 40
      - entity: ''
          - -14
          - 5
          - 17
          - 25
          - 26
          - ala
          - kylmä
          - keski
          - lämmin
          - ylä
          shape: spline
    raw_plotly_config: true
  - type: state-label
    entity: input_number.hvac_asetusarvo_ulkolampotila_01_alaraja
    title: null
      top: 23%
      left: 25%
  - type: state-label
    entity: input_number.hvac_asetusarvo_ulkolampotila_02_kylmaraja
    title: null
      top: 15%
      left: 38%
  - type: state-label
    entity: input_number.hvac_asetusarvo_ulkolampotila_03_keskiraja
    title: null
      top: 9%
      left: 50%
  - type: state-label
    entity: input_number.hvac_asetusarvo_ulkolampotila_04_lamminraja
    title: null
      top: 6%
      left: 62%
  - type: state-label
    entity: input_number.hvac_asetusarvo_ulkolampotila_05_ylaraja
    title: null
      top: 5%
      left: 75%

Here my new solution with data from sensors. The only bad thing … when I change the values, I have to refresh the diagram manually. The dynamic and changeable one, you find at the bottom (Heizkurve Neu ???).

type: horizontal-stack
title: Heizgrenze und Heizkurven
  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: entities
              - entity: input_number.luxtronik_heizkurve_hks
                name: HK Start
          - type: entities
              - entity: input_number.luxtronik_heizkurve_hke
                name: HK Ende
          - type: entities
              - entity: input_number.luxtronik_heizkurve_offset
                name: HK Offset
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:plotly-graph
                type: number
                  - -20
                  - 20
                showlegend: true
                fixedrange: true
                  - 15
                  - 40
              - entity: ''
                name: Heizgrenze 2022
                  - 14
                  - 14
                  - 14
                  - 41
                  shape: spline
                  color: darkgrey
              - entity: ''
                name: Heizgrenze 2023
                  - 16
                  - 16
                  - 14
                  - 41
                  shape: spline
                  color: grey
              - entity: input_number.luxtronik_heizkurve_hke
                internal: true
                fn: >-
                  $fn ({ ys }) => { /*debugger; console.log(ys);
                  console.log(ys.length-1);*/ window.luxtronik_heizkurve_hke =
                  ys[ys.length-1]; }
              - entity: input_number.luxtronik_heizkurve_hks
                internal: true
                fn: >-
                  $fn ({ ys }) => { /*debugger; console.log(ys);
                  console.log(ys.length-1);*/ window.luxtronik_heizkurve_hks =
                  ys[ys.length-1]; }
              - entity: input_number.luxtronik_heizkurve_offset
                internal: true
                fn: >-
                  $fn ({ ys }) => { /*debugger; console.log(ys);
                  console.log(ys.length-1);*/ window.luxtronik_heizkurve_offset
                  = ys[ys.length-1]; }
              - entity: ''
                name: Original Heizkurve
                fn: |
                  $fn ({ vars, state }) => {
                    const x = []; 
                    const y = []; 
                    let ta, hks, hke, offset;
                    ta = 20;
                    hks = 22;
                    hke = 35;
                    offset = 0;
                    for (let i = 0; i <= 40; i++) {
                      x[i] = ta;
                      y[i] = ((hks + offset) + ((hke - 20) * ((hks + offset) - ta) / (20 - (ta - (hks + offset)) / 2))) ;
                      ta = ta - 1;
                    vars.x = x;
                    vars.y = y;
                x: $fn ({ vars }) => vars.x
                'y': $fn ({ vars }) => vars.y
                  shape: spline
                  color: darkgreen
              - entity: ''
                name: September 2022
                fn: |
                  $fn ({ vars, state }) => {
                    const x = []; 
                    const y = []; 
                    let ta, hks, hke, offset;
                    ta = 20;
                    hks = 22;
                    hke = 35;
                    offset = -1;
                    for (let i = 0; i <= 40; i++) {
                      x[i] = ta;
                      y[i] = ((hks + offset) + ((hke - 20) * ((hks + offset) - ta) / (20 - (ta - (hks + offset)) / 2))) ;
                      ta = ta - 1;
                    vars.x = x;
                    vars.y = y;
                x: $fn ({ vars }) => vars.x
                'y': $fn ({ vars }) => vars.y
                  shape: spline
                  color: green
              - entity: ''
                name: Haus 19, 21 & 25
                fn: |
                  $fn ({ vars, state }) => {
                    const x = []; 
                    const y = []; 
                    let ta, hks, hke, offset;
                    ta = 20;
                    hks = 22;
                    hke = 35;
                    offset = -3;
                    for (let i = 0; i <= 40; i++) {
                      x[i] = ta;
                      y[i] = ((hks + offset) + ((hke - 20) * ((hks + offset) - ta) / (20 - (ta - (hks + offset)) / 2))) ;
                      ta = ta - 1;
                    vars.x = x;
                    vars.y = y;
                x: $fn ({ vars }) => vars.x
                'y': $fn ({ vars }) => vars.y
                  shape: spline
                  color: orange
              - entity: ''
                name: Haus 23
                fn: |
                  $fn ({ vars, state }) => {
                    const x = []; 
                    const y = []; 
                    let ta, hks, hke, offset;
                    ta = 20;
                    hks = 22;
                    hke = 35;
                    offset = -4;
                    for (let i = 0; i <= 40; i++) {
                      x[i] = ta;
                      y[i] = ((hks + offset) + ((hke - 20) * ((hks + offset) - ta) / (20 - (ta - (hks + offset)) / 2))) ;
                      ta = ta - 1;
                    vars.x = x;
                    vars.y = y;
                x: $fn ({ vars }) => vars.x
                'y': $fn ({ vars }) => vars.y
                  shape: spline
                  color: red
              - entity: ''
                name: Heizkurve Neu ???
                fn: |
                  $fn ({ vars, state }) => {
                    const x = []; 
                    const y = []; 
                    let ta, hks, hke, offset;
                    ta = 20;
                    // debugger;
                    // console.log(window.luxtronik_heizkurve_hks) ;
                    // console.log(window.luxtronik_heizkurve_hke) ;
                    // console.log(window.luxtronik_heizkurve_offset) ;
                    // hks = 22;
                    // hke = 35;
                    // offset = 0;
                    hks = window.luxtronik_heizkurve_hks * 1 ;
                    hke = window.luxtronik_heizkurve_hke * 1 ;
                    offset = window.luxtronik_heizkurve_offset * 1 ;
                    for (let i = 0; i <= 40; i++) {
                      x[i] = ta;
                      y[i] = ((hks + offset) + ((hke - 20) * ((hks + offset) - ta) / (20 - (ta - (hks + offset)) / 2))) ;
                      ta = ta - 1;
                    vars.x = x;
                    vars.y = y;
                x: $fn ({ vars }) => vars.x
                'y': $fn ({ vars }) => vars.y
                  shape: spline
                  color: turqois
            raw_plotly_config: true

Nice @sofa74surfer :smile:, you managed to make fn work! I struggled to find good references for that.