How to get HA IP address without access to router?

Hey Everyone, I have been trying for a few days now to get my IP address for my HA install on my raspberry pi 4.

Here’s the problem, The internet I use is provided by my work, so I don’t have access to the router. I work out of town so they supply us with accommodations and internet for after hours, and I really want to play around with HA as I don’t have a lot of free time when at home

I have tried homeassistant.local:8123 but it will not resolve the host. I also tried arp -a from command line on my windows laptop, and also angryIP scanner and manually tried every IP with the port 8123 but still unable to find the IP address.

Is there any other way to find that IP address?

Thanks in advance, hopefully someone will have a great solution.

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Little confused about this…just to clarify, do you have this pi at home and you’re currently out of town? If so, you won’t be able to access home assistant unless you have remote access set up.

If you have it connected to whatever network you’re on now, squirtbrnr’s suggestion below is good.

if you have access to a terminal on another machine, use nmap on the network. this will return a list of all devices that respond and their MAC address and assigned IP address. then find out what your RPi MAC address is and cross-reference the list. The RPi foundation is assigned 2 MAC ranges: B8:27:EB:xx:xx:xx and DC:A6:32:xx:xx:xx so your RPi will start with that. Just hope there aren’t multiple RPi’s on the network.

EDIT: nmap will also port scan everything that responds, so anything that says port 8123 is open is most likely your RPi with HA on it. There are command line switches to tell it not to port scan.

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pi is with me at work. I am using internet provided to me by my work, but they don’t give us access to the router

Get Fing app (available for iPhone, Android phone, Windows, Mac OS) and scan the LAN. It should be able to detect all devices in in your current subnet and in majority of cases identify them, including home assistant (though under some circumstances it can be detected as OpenHAB). In the worst case scenario you should be able to see all active devices in LAN and, if not too many, test them one by one.

I will try nmap, but I believe it is similar to arp -a command I have used already

none of my RPi’s respond to arp -a (running LibreELEC on 4 and PiHole on another). But they do respond to nmap.

EDIT: I take that back, the PiHole does respond to arp -a.

You can always get the IP from the console of the Pi - by logging in with a keyboard and monitor connected.

Yeah I noticed a huge difference using nmap, letting it run, hopefully at the end of the day I will have my IP address

When I plug a KB and monitor in I get nothing, this is a RPi4, and from what I have read you dont have console access, unless there is a config setting prior to first boot that I can change

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You do have console access - but if you’re using HassOS then the console requires that the keyboard and monitor is connected at startup.

Ah ok, well maybe i’ll just reload the pi image and plug a kb and monitor in. Thanks for the tip :slight_smile:

Why not just set a fixed IP address in the RPi?

can’t get a static IP, only DHCP. At least that’s all my work will allow for

Not from the router, set it IN the RPi

Do you know if they have turned on Wireless Isolation (pretty standard for corporate systems)? You may never be able to get access to it, as if that’s turned on, you can only go WiFi->Internet, not WiFi->WiFi.

@Tinkerer Thanks for that tip :smile: I re-flashed and connected kb & monitor, with that I was able to login into the CLI and login to my network manually, that did the trick, from there I was able to get my IP address and am now configuring and playing with my new install.

:ok_hand: Thank YOU!!!

The ‘arp’ will only show devices you already have in your arp cache. If you have not already connected to the rpi, it won’t be in the cache, so you will not see it there.

+1 for nmap. Very useful for a lot of things.

nmap -p 8123 --open

Will scan your network for devices with port 8123 open, and not display other devices. Assuming is your actual network.

What ? getting IP by using the router ? or by nmap ? why HA don’t have simple command to show you the IP address ? like every linux have. ‘ip add’ or ‘ifconfig’