How to get Heiman Siren with ZHA to work

@Jacob_nr.5 manage to make zha.warning_device_squawk work but zha.warning_device_warn does not work for all mode value… always the same sound and volume value do not seems to impact noise level…


I tried a few things, but no working result.
Can help me where to go and what do do?

Hi @Jacob_nr.5. Sorry for late answer. In order to test it, go to devtools -> service -> choose service mentionned in My previous comment. Bottom you have de clear description. It indicate the page of the ZCL spec you have to refer to in order to know available value.

@lahayeg I just added a heiman to HA using ZHA, but there is no service to control the siren. Did you perform an additional action so you can trigger the siren?

Edit: nevermind, I found the generic zha service, was expecting something else😉 lets hope decent siren support is added in the near future.

I use the Heiman Siren with Deconz / Conbee which recognizes it as light. However, the toggle button works well to trigger the alarm but not to turn it off.
So I use Node Red to integrate it into my system with an Input Bolean for the HA botton.

Hi @DHoefakker
I use a script

  duration: 65535
  duty_cycle: 2
  ieee: '00:0d:6f:00:14:f7:af:af'
  intensity: 2
  level: 3
  mode: 1
  strobe: 0
service: zha.warning_device_warn

Hi lahayeg,

Thanks for the script.
I had some time today and i tried, tested and implemented the script.
It works great. :slight_smile:

With the mode: 1 we have a very loud sirene
and with strobe: 1, we have a red strobe.
The duration works also nice.

I am happy and have this working in Home Assistant as needed/wanted.
Now I am waiting for the zha integration, so we can see all the stuff like the battery.

Thanks again,

I’m curious of can you also stop the siren if needed? Sending a new command with a 0 as duration? Separate stop command? Wondering about ordering one.

Hi Abscondo,

You can start, stop the flash and sirene with a command.
I tested and use this script to turn it on:

alias: Alarm - Flash en Sirene 01 - Aan
  - data:
      duration: 60
      duty_cycle: 2
      ieee: '00:0d:6f:00:13:1a:xx:xx'
      intensity: 2
      level: 1
      mode: 1
      strobe: 1
    service: zha.warning_device_warn
mode: single
icon: 'mdi:volume-high'


ieee: use adress of the sirene
strobe: 1 (Strobe ON)
strobe: 0 (Strobe OFF)

mode: 1 (Sirene ON)
mode: 0 (Sirene OFF)

duration: time of the sirene / Strobe in seconds



The level of sound (low / medium / high) is it possible?

I don’t understand if this siren can be manage like that or it’s 100% of the volume with no choice?

Thank you


I don’t know, I do not need this option.

I noticed that there was an option in the gui to add a script to the Siren, the options are Warn or Sqawk where the only difference seems to be the length of the alarm. Squawk lasts 2 seconds, and Warn last 5 seconds.
However I have not found a way to adapt the scripts to pick options. For example in the examples further up in this thread there are options for strobe, duration etc… but if I try to add any options to the script through the gui it gives me errors.

Message malformed: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘duration’]

I created the scripts in de scripts page.
I did not use the device ID.


I’m very interested in installing several Zigbee Heiman smoke detectors and monoxyde detectors.

Do you confirm that this is one of those that you’ve successfully used to make a siren?
[EDIT] I guess this is the regular Siren, not the detector ones… But still interesting…[/EDIT]

By the way, I don’t have generic Zigbee gateway on my HA (only Xiamio/Aqara product/gateway), which one would you advice for a raspberry 3?

Thanks in advance,



Zigbee Heiman Smoke detectors are working fine with ZHA, but only as smoke detectors.
I can not remotely activate the sound.
The Heiman Siren is also working in ZHA, but is recognized as a warning device, so I can activate him with a script.

I hope it will be added to ZHA as a siren and not as a warning device.

I use a NorthTech Zigbee stick and I am going to switch to Conbee II.
Both work fine.

(With the Conbee, I can create a back-up, so if i need to replace him I do not need to repair all over again.)

Thank you.

I’ll buy some detectors…
I have now to decide between a CONBEE II or a CC2531+ zigbee2mqtt adapter…

Use zigbee2mqtt, but not with a cc2531

If you have Conbee II, you can try both.
Then you can test and see what is the best for you.
For me ZHA is faster with the response.

Dear all,

Thank you for your responses.

I bought both dongles.

I have only received the Conbee II and I tried to install it on my Raspberry 3.
I failed with Mqtt/Deconz… (difficult and too heavy for my Rasp)
I had immediate success with ZHA. Thanks

Jacob_nr.5 : I used your script to have the siren on.
But how do you stop it?
I tried another stick with 0 values (off) but it does not seems to overwrite the previous command.
I had have not saved after changing to 0.

By the way, do you know how to pass the friendly names or associated value (“stop” = 0) detailed on Zigbee2mqtt website?

Finally, my version is not a battery version and I don’t see ones on Aliexpress.
Do you know where I can found some?

Thanks in advance for your response.
Tom (learning… and ZHA)

Hi Tom,

The Siren (I have) is a 220v version and has a internal backup battery.
ZHA is getting better in Home Assistant. (easier to use and very stable)
What I still hope and expect is that the siren will be added as a siren instead of a binary_sensor.

I do not how to use friendly names, whait for the correct device in ZHA.

Best regards,