I installed the Home Assistant in my personal laptop at home in Windows 10 with the HA image in virtualbox and it seams that all the steps are correct and actually I get in virtualbox that Home Assistant is running. I have my laptop conneted through the ethernet cable direcctly to the router. (I´m attaching an image where we can see that HA is running but in the console I don´t see any IP address where to access).
When you start the Virtualbox, it will tell you the IP address in the window which opens. If it doesn’t check your network settings are in bridge mode.
Yes, I have it in bride mode. This is how I have it setup. The only thing I can think of, if that when I did the setup, I selected the “other 32 bits” because I didn´t get the option of “other 64 bits”.
I have only 2 options in the settings and I tried with both options with a network cable connected to the router and with wifi and none of them worked.
Your Realtek is the most likely to be included in the image, so go with that until you get access.
What does the terminal output say when you have it set to Realtek and reboots?
And also try different emulation modes for the NIC, if possible.
There should be other options than PCnet-FAST III
i dont understand a S… of what ur screen tells you, but i would like to see whether the url starts with http, or https, last wont work
and again you should be able to see in your router, which ip-number ur homeassistant have
PS: in the Home Assistant Console
type: ha dns info
hit enter
I have the nerwork cable connected from the laptop directly to the router to a LAN conector (in the router). I also tried through WIFI connection but didn´t work either.
Do you mean here? or do I need to do anything else on my network?
This is the set up I have in the settings in Network.
By the way I don´t know if this is important but even though I have the Ethernet cable connected to the routher, in the HA settings (network) under name: I only get this 2 options:
Yep that’s the setting. The only difference with mine is the Adapter type is not blanked out and promiscuous mode is set to deny. Can’t really help more than that.
Adapter type is probably only blanked out, because the VM is running at the moment the screenshot is taken.
Now is your normal workstation on the 172.30.x.x network too?
And if your workstation have a 172.30.x.x IP address can you then open your router and take a screeshot of the IP leases, then shut down the VM and change the MAC address in the settings, just some of the last 4 characters.
Restart and check your IP leases in the router again for a new MAC address.
If its there then try to ping the IP address belonging to the MAC address.