How to Install Home Assistant OS on an ASUS CN60 Chromebox

Note: Although this How-to worked well in Apr '23, you will likely need to adapt, as my final update was in Jan '24. The replies will help with this. Also, please consider documenting your success for future users.

I. Enable Chromebox Developer Mode

  1. Remove the write-protect screw
  2. Attach a keyboard, mouse, monitor, and power cable
  3. While inserting a pin and keeping the Recovery Button pressed, press the power button
  4. Once a white screen is displayed remove the pin (It will say “Chrome OS is missing or damaged”)
  5. Type Ctrl+D and then briefly reinsert the pin (The screen will black out for 2 or 3 seconds and then display “OS verification is Off”)
  6. Do not touch anything (it will now boot into and display the developer mode)
  7. Continue with Step II

II. Install Custom UEFI Firmware

  1. Connect to the internet using a Wi-Fi network or an ethernet cable Do Not Log In
  2. Press Ctrl+Alt+F2 and allow the shell terminal to load
  3. Type: chronos
  4. Type: cd; curl -LO && sudo bash
  5. At the options menu, select: Install/update: Custom UEFI Firmware (the firmware will now be flashed)
  6. When back at the options menu: Exit, and Power Off

III. Prepare a USB Flash Drive using a PC

  1. Download the latest Ubuntu LTS image file and flash it onto a USB drive (16GB or larger) using Rufus or Balena Etcher. If it’s an option, maximize or allow up to 16GB of persistent storage.
  2. Shut down the PC and boot from the USB Drive using the Try Ubuntu option
  3. Once Ubuntu is running, connect to the internet
  4. Open a terminal and install the necessary software:
    a. sudo add-apt-repository universe
    b. sudo apt install libfuse2
  5. Close the terminal and use Firefox to download:
    a. The latest Home Assistant OS Generic x86-64 image from the Home Assistant website. (The same or similar to: haos_generic-x86-64-9.5.img.xz)
    b. Balena Etcher for Linux x64
  6. Right-click on the Balena Etcher file and select properties. In permissions enable: Allow executing file as a program
  7. Power down Ubuntu (the flash drive is ready)

IV. Install the Home Assistant OS

  1. Insert the flash drive into the Chromebox and power on
  2. When the bunny logo displays, press Esc to open the boot manager
  3. In the boot manager, remove all other boot options, and in the boot menu, boot from the USB drive
  4. Run Ubuntu using the Try Ubuntu option
  5. Once Ubuntu is running, run Balena Etcher by double-clicking on its file
  6. Using Balena Etcher, flash the Home Assistant file to the System Drive
  7. The flash process usually completes perfectly, however, an error will usually be indicated or the system will (appear to) freeze up. Do not be alarmed, allow a few more minutes and then power down, removing the flash drive.
  8. Power on, and within a few minutes “Home Assistant” will be displayed in large letters at the top of the screen. Success.

V. Begin using Home Assistant

  1. Set up your box in its desired location, connecting its power adapter and connecting to the internet via an ethernet cable
  2. Press the power button. Within 15 to 20 minutes you will be able to configure Home Assistant via the local webpage: homeassistant.local:8123

Are you happy running HA on the Asus CN60? Is it fast/responsive enough for your needs?

i dl Balaner in Ubuntu trial. when i tried to open, i get this error now. any idea why it cant open?

Hi David,

Sorry for the tardy reply. The Asus CN60 seems to tick all the boxes. It’s responsive and instantly turns my bedroom lamp (on LocalTuya) on from my phone or PC. Since it has an Intel Core I3 CPU and 4GB RAM, I sometimes wonder if I will one day have multiple servers installed. I don’t presently have the expertise, but I think it’s possible to install a Plex server and a NAS server in containers along with Home Assistant, all on one device.

My purpose in getting Home Assistant has been fulfilled. Room temperature control. One of my first automations successfully turns my fan and heater on or off based on room temperature. Starting my day, and lights-out automations are also working fairly well with only a bug or a few.

My current challenge is home and away detection. As I gain expertise I will improve on this as well as Zigbee devices and NFC, both of which I have installed. and will eventually implement with automations.

These projects are now all on the back burner as my main interest is in Biblical studies. When implemented as God designed, the Bible brings more vitality than the healthiest food and is more enthralling than the best at the box office.

Especially if you are a fellow Bible enthusiast, I am interested in your experience and sharing as well.


Hi, Steps 4 and 6 in Part III are necessary to run Balena Etcher. Step 4 requires an Internet connection. Dave

  1. Right-click on the Balena Etcher file and select properties. In permissions enable: Allow executing file as a program

Great instructions…but … which version of ubuntu:

Desktop image


Server install image



The Desktop image of Ubuntu. Download Ubuntu Desktop | Download | Ubuntu

Thanks for pointing out this ambiguity. I have updated and inserted the link. The instructions are also detailed here: How to Install Home Assistant Server on an ASUS CN60 Chromebox | XDA Forums


instead of the script now is

Hi Rafi thanks for the update. I’m glad to see that you and perhaps others have achieved success with this installation.

Hello, in steps III.5 and 6, after downloading HA and Balena Etcher and changing the executing permission, I notice that these files are not persisted to my flash drive. When I continue onto steps IV these downloaded files do not exist. I have tried this 2 times and I get the same result. These files are not persisted. What is the workaround?


I think I solved my problem. Rufus USB Format utility has an option for selecting a Persistent partition size that I didn’t see before, or new I had to set! Reformating my bootable usb device now.

Glad you got it solved. Hope all is working well. Dave

Thanks for the detailed instructions, I was able to boot up HASSOS on a CN62! I took a different turn after the firmware part (section III and on), so I’m posting in case it can help others.

First, I’m not sure if our hardware differs that much, but Ubuntu was virtually unusable performance-wise as a live boot on my Chromebox (tbh I never had any luck running any Ubuntu smoothly). I used the latest Lubuntu LTS release instead, which runs way better on lower specs hardware.

Second, I followed the instructions from the official docs to restore the HASSOS image, replacing sections III and IV here. This essentially skips the live boot part on your preparation PC. The difference with the official docs is that Lubuntu is not natively bundled with the Gnome Disks utility, but you can install it in a terminal with sudo apt-get install gnome-disk-utility. I haven’t had any success with KDE Partition Manager, sadly.

Also, if you bump into a screen saying Developer Mode is restricted by the device owner of your Chromebox or something (I picked up my box at an auction so most likely it was still associated with the business) , I was able to solve that by powerwashing the device. Google is your friend here.

Hello Alexis, perhaps the issue with slow performance is with your flash drive rather than your ChromeBox. My device has an Intel Core i3 processor and 4 GB of RAM, and I’ve never experienced any performance issues. I’m unfamiliar with KDE, but I have had great results with DiskGenius, which can also run from a flash drive.
Thanks for sharing your victory in installing the disk image. It helps to have more installation options and firsthand accounts of their success.

Fair point, I only had my old faithful OS installation 8Gb USB drive around so I didn’t try other options in that regard. I also have the lower spec Celeron CPU so probably a combination of both.

As you said, my point was to showcase an alternative for readers that would encounter issues.

Thanks for the instructions @PsalmEquipt

Just for future reference, Balena Etcher is no longer running well on Ubuntu. A much easier way to follow these steps is.

  1. Complete part I and II of the above steps.
  2. As @IguaneFabuleux mentions above, then switch to the officials docs and follow the steps there to format the disk.

Hi Fionn,

Thanks for updating me on this. Because of your info here and my lack of staying current, I will likely add a line in the how-to intro. (At that time, I was not sure I would stick with HA) I’m glad you are experiencing success. It’s a challenge to keep up with all the new devices and techniques. With each new accomplishment, it seems more possible endeavors present themselves.

Best wishes, Dave